- Stock up when the price is right! 当股票价格上升是正确的!
- You do well to sell when the price is high. 你趁价高卖出做得聪明。
- I like QQ car very much. But, I will buy , when the price is low. 我很喜欢QQ车.;但是;我会在低价的时候才会买了。
- These areI used to sell when the price is for reference only. 这些都是我以前卖的时候价格,仅供参考。
- I promise you that-- when the time is right. 我向你保证--在恰当的时机。
- By investing a set amount regularly you buy fewer shares when the price is high but more when it is low. 定期地投入一笔资金,你可以在高价时买得少些,低价卖多得些。
- Today the halibut season lasts eight months and fishermen can make more by landing fish when the price is high. 以前这些人的唯一念头就是抢先别人一步捕到鱼,而现在他们不希望用足自己全部的份额;
- When the underlying price is close to the call price, the price of CBBC may be volatile with wider spread and lower liquidity. 当相关资产价格接近收回价时,牛熊证的价格可能变得更波动,买卖差价或许较阔,流通量亦可能较低。
- I slip away when the time is right. 在适当时机脱身。
- Adam Bailen: When the time is right. 也是一段很有哲理的话。
- Succulence is mincing machine product because the structure is simple, the price is low, when the province that save project, use convenient, welcome by broad farmer masses. 青饲料切碎机产品由于结构简单,价格低廉,省工省时,使用方便,深受广大农民群众欢迎。
- Hearten of each capital mood, everywhere mad grab plan to appear on the market project, the price is natural also when the river rises the boat goes up too. 各路资金心情振奋,四处疯抢拟上市项目,价格自然也水涨船高。
- You did well to sell when the price was high. 你趁价高卖出做得聪明。
- And when the time is right, the betrayer will become, the betrayed. 当时机到来,背叛者将成为被背叛的人。
- What why when the person walks, =- strides first is right leg? 为什么人走路的时候先迈开的是右脚呢?
- Mr.Hilton made a killing on the stock market; he bought a lot of shares when the price was low and sold them when the price went very high. 希尔顿先生在证券市场获得很大成功,在股票价格低的时候,他买进了许多股票,结果价格涨到很高时,他抛了出去。
- What why when the person walks, stride first is right leg? Why? 为什么人走路的时候先迈开的是右脚呢?为什么?
- When the time is right,you slip outside and make your escape. 当时机合适的时候你溜出了帐篷立刻逃掉。
- When the time is right, the wildebeests begin giving birth. 到了合适的季节,牛羚就开始孕育新的生命。
- What why when the person walks, stride first is right leg? 为什么人走路的时候先迈开的是右脚呢?