- When Humans and Chimps Split 人类和黑猩猩何时分道扬镳
- Oh, I see. Only when humans and nature coexist harmoniously could there have been the beautiful Panjin of today. Am I right? 我明白。只有人和自然和谐共处才会有今天美丽的盘锦。是这样的吧?
- When humans first evolved from the chimp line, they were (of course) only slightly more advanced than their relatives. 当人类最开始从猿开始进化之时,他们仅仅比自己的亲戚高级一些。
- "It's the only forest where mountain gorillas and chimps both live," he said. 据考证,人类吃肉的历史可以追溯到很久以前。
- The difficulty is when humans split between patterns in the space between and space without. 困难在于人们将一致空间与两极空间的图案进行分离之时。
- In humans and monkeys, there is only one uterus. 人和猴只有一个子宫。
- This suggests not only that the trait of patience predates the split between humans and chimpanzees, some 4m years ago, but that the trait seems more characteristic of chimps than people. 这不仅表明了在4百万年前,人类和大猩猩的耐心特性就分开了,而且也表明了与人类相比,耐心似乎更像是大猩猩的特征。
- When humans or animals eat, we take in sugars. 当人活着动物吃东西时,我们摄入糖分。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。
- Half-Orcs are a cross between a human and an orc. 半兽人是一种介于人类和兽人之间的生物。
- A new study of genes in humans and chimpanzees pins down with greater accuracy when the two species split from one. 一项新近对人类和黑猩猩的基因研究,为两个种属何时分离,提供了更为精确的细节资料。
- Good human and culture environment. 良好的人文环境。
- To erron is human and to mend is supreme!! 这样的回应当然是建立在人们真实表达的基础之上的。
- There is always turmoil when humans are confronted with change. 当人类面对改变的时候,总是有混乱。
- She has a background in humanities and modern languages. 她学过人文学科和现代语言。
- Most of us are very human and we err repeatedly. 我们都是人我们不断的犯错。
- This custom dates from the time when human wore swords. 这项习俗始于人类佩戴刀剑的时代。
- "Humans and sea urchins have a common ancestor," Weinstock said. “人类与海胆有着共同的祖先。”
- When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences. 人类过份干扰自然常会引致灾难性的后果。
- Greed suffocates humanity and intuitive knowledge. 贪婪可以灭绝人性和良知。