- Studies on the Effects of Exogenic Substances on Someclone Culture of Wheat Immature Embryos 小麦幼胚培养特性对外源物质响应的研究
- Wheat immature embryos 小麦幼胚
- To improve cold resistance of two wheat cultivars, "Jinyang 345" and "Jinmai 73", four treatments of immature embryo callus culture were employed. 摘要针对晋阳345和晋麦73两个定型品种存在抗寒性较差的缺点,对其幼胚愈伤组织进行了4种处理。
- Wheat transformation via microprojectile bombardment with immature embryo culture strongly depends on the genotypes.This problem restricts the wide application of transgenic wheat in a great extent. 摘要小麦基因枪法遗传转化中幼胚组织培养有很强的基因型依赖性,这在很大程度上限制了转基因小麦的广泛应用。
- In vitro Culture of Immature Embryos of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook. F. 三尖杉的离体胚培养。
- Immature embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) 小麦幼胚
- wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) immature embryo 小麦幼胚
- Induction and in-vitro conservation of embryogensis calli from immature embryos of 51 accessions of germplasm in Dimocarpus longan Lour. 51份龙眼种质的胚性愈伤组织诱导及其离体保存。
- It was thought that proper high level of ABA and IAA content and low content of GA3 were benefit to induction of embryonic calli from immature embryos. 因此认为,未成熟胚高水平的ABA、IAA含量和低水平的GA3含量,有利于胚性愈伤组织的诱导。
- Abstract Nine factors which influence the frequency of somatic embryogenesis from immature embryos of soybean were studied. 摘要 研究了影响大豆幼胚培养体细胞胚胎发生频率的9个因素。
- In the lower concentration, the KT promoted the formation and growth of wheat immature infloresences regenerated somaclone significantly higher than that of it in the higher concentration. 低浓度的KT能显著促进小麦幼穗愈伤组织的生长和胚性愈伤组织的形成,而高浓度的KT不利于小麦幼穗体细胞无性系的形成和生长;
- Immature embryos of 9 maize inbred lines with different induction rate of embryonic callus were used as explants and calli were induced and cultured on improved N6 medium. 摘要以胚性愈伤组织诱导率高低不同的9个玉米自交系未成熟胚为外植体,用改良N6培养基诱导培养愈伤组织。
- Miniature mutants appeared in the generations of the regenerated plants were obtained in the scutellum cell of the sorghum pure Line 401-1 through immature embryo culture. 摘要以高粱纯系401-l为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体。
- The cytological observations of calli of immature embryos and root-tips of plantlets were carried out. The result showed that most of their chromosome numbers were 2n=28 and that their variation rates were 33.04% and 12.9% respectively. 对幼胚愈伤组织和再生植株根尖进行了细胞学观察;绝大多数染色体数目为2n=28;变异率分别为33.;04%25和12
- This paper deals with systematic studies on initiation,maintenance and plantregeneration of callus from immature embryos of froage maize as well as harding culture,trans-planting,growing,flowering and seeding of regenerated. 本研究采用青饲玉米为材料,对幼胚愈伤组织的诱导、继代、植株再生、再生苗培养和移栽、生长及开花结实等方面进行了系统的研究。
- Based on the results of optimization, the Anti-Trxs gene and Bar gene were co-transferred into the immature embryos(cali) from Yumai18-64 as receptors and 42 resistant plantlets of T0 generation were obtained from 2110 transferred embryos. 再生体系优化的基础上,以筛选出的优良受体豫麦18-64为受体材料,用基因枪法进行了目的基因(Anti-TrxS)和标记基因(Bar)的共转化和再生培养,从接种的2110个幼胚中,获得T0再生植株42株。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Abstract: Miniature mutants appeared in the generations of the regenerated plants were obtained in the scutellum cell of the sorghum pure Line 401-1 through immature embryo culture. 摘 要: 以高粱纯系401-1为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体[1]。
- The Effectiveness of Vernalization of Immature Embryos of Winter Wheat 小麦幼胚培养对春化的影响
- Effect of auxins on the tissue culture from immature embryos of wheat 生长素对小麦幼胚组织培养的影响