- What he said is a round lie. 他所说的是十足的谎话。
- Lysander: No! Helena, what he said is a lie! 不!海伦娜,他说的都是谎话!
- What he said is a facile remark. 他说的话全是信口开河。
- What he said is a rightful claim. 他所说的是正当的要求。
- What he said is a lamp to my feet. 他的话给我指明了前进的方向。
- What he said is a pure hypothesis. 他所说的纯粹是假设。
- What he said is a tissue of lies. 他所说的是一派谎言。
- What he said is not worth a leek. 他所说的话毫无价值。
- In my opinion, what he said is not true at all. 依我看来,他说的一点也不真实。
- What he has said is a mere commonplace. 他所说的无非是老生常谈而已。
- I affirm that what he said is true. 我断言他所说的是实情。
- The purport of what he said is that he is right. 他说话的涵义是说他是对的。
- What he has said is a mere commonplace view. 他所说的不过是尘俗之见而已。
- In a sense what he said is true. 在某种意义上说,他说的话是正确的。
- He is a man who I think means what he says. 我认为他是个心口如一的人。
- There is a note of warning in what he said. 他的话带有一种警告的口气。
- What he says is the gospel truth. 他所说的一切是无可置疑的。
- There is a glimpse of truth in what he said. 他的话中略微道出了一点事实真相。
- From where I stand, what he said is reasonable. 依我看,他说的话是有道理的。
- What he said is considered of great importance. 人们认为他所说的十分重要。