- Wet the blood of conceal 尿隐血
- Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals. 蚊子喜好吸人和动物的血。
- Can chill the blood of ska-ters blithe and free. 寒冷不能带走滑雪者的欢快和自由。
- The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers. 资本家靠榨取工人的血汗养自已。
- They are stained with the blood of your relations! 它们沾满了你们同族人的鲜血!
- I smell the blood of a British man. 我闻见了英国人的血味儿。
- Resin trees provide the “blood” of the forest. 盛产树脂的树木提供了森林的“血液”。
- Acting runs in the blood of them. 演戏是他们家族遗传的天分。
- PH The blood of Herakles runs in my veins! 我有阿喀留斯的贵族血统。
- Grew on the blood of countrymen who died. 代代乡民长眠,汩汩血液灌溉。
- Fee, fi, fo fum, I smell the blood of an Irishman. 几百年前的诗歌。
- I love bathing in the blood of my departed enemies. 我喜爱在我那些死去敌人们的血中泡澡.
- We are redeemed from sin by the blood of Jesus. 耶稣的血将我们从罪恶中拯救出来。
- I smelt the blood of a British man. 我闻到了英国人的血味儿。
- In his veins dances the blood of hero. 他的血管里沸腾着英雄的热血。
- These parasites batten on the blood of the people. 这些寄生虫靠人民的血汗养活自已。
- Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。
- We wanted his blood for the blood of the Khans. 我们要借重他的血血可汗。
- The blood of high bone is my birth right. 高贵的血统是我与生俱来的权力。
- The blood of the high-born is my birth right. 高等精灵之血是我出生的权利。