- Wet Nile fever 西尼罗热(发生于乌干达的流行性脑炎)
- The findings help explain why West Nile fever crosses from birds to humans so easily, says Leal. 利尔说,这些发现有助于说明为什么西尼罗热可以轻而易举地从鸟类传播到人类。
- This species spreads West Nile fever and the parasites that cause the huge limb swellings of the tropical disease filariasis. 这个物种传播了西尼罗河热,寄生虫引起的热带疾病,丝虫病引起了巨大肢体肿胀。
- Objective To determine the station of introduced mosquitoes carried by entry international ships which came from west nile fever (WNF) infected areas. 摘要目的掌握来自西尼罗热疫区入境国际航行船舶携带输入性蚊媒的情况,为制定有效的控制措施提供科学依据。
- This review introduces the latest progress in etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis treatment and prevention for Rift Valley Fever and West Nile Fever. 摘要本文就裂谷热及西尼罗热的病原学,流行病学,临床表现,诊断,治疗及预防作扼要阐述。
- Research Advance in West Nile Fever 西尼罗热研究进展
- On guard of the West Nile Fever invading China 严防西尼罗热传入
- West nile virus and west nile fever 西尼罗病毒与西尼罗热
- The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。
- The disserve of Western Nile fever and prevention control measure 西尼罗热的危害及防控措施
- The epidemic status and experiment diagnosis of west nile fever 西尼罗热流行现状及实验诊断
- The Epidemic and Counter Measures of West Nile Fever 西尼罗热的流行及其应对措施
- He loses his footing on the wet floor and fall. 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而摔倒了。
- Status and Progress of Control and prevention on West Nile Fever 西尼罗病预防控制现状与进展
- The grass was wet with dewdrops. 草被露水浸湿了。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 湿衣服在太阳下很快就会干的。
- Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume. 把你的游泳衣里的水拧出去。
- Don't keep your socks on if they get wet. 要是袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。
- It must have been raining. The pavement is all wet. 刚才准是下雨了。人行道都湿了。
- It must have rained last night for the road is wet. 路面是湿的,昨晚肯定下过雨。