- Western traditional drama 西方传统戏剧
- From temple outdoor stages to first-rate theaters abroad, traditional drama troupes have conquered new horizons. 从庙口野台到国外一流剧场,传统戏团打出了另一片新天地。
- The traditional drama form and the drama arts whole close relation , take no cognizance the drama whole art characteristic just like in the cancel drama art. 传统戏曲舞美形式与戏曲艺术整体密切相联,无视戏曲整体的艺术特征无异于取消戏曲艺术本身。
- As a small traditional drama, in performance, in order tolv pi , leather lithography characters, sets and props onto the stage, resulting in the image, which is "shadow. 作为一种民间传统的小戏,在表演时,以驴皮、牛皮刻制的人物、布景和道具搬上舞台,造成影像,亦即“皮影戏”。
- Modern western scientificism and humanism criticized western traditional metaphysics and got some positive achievement from different points. 现代西方科学主义与人文主义分别从不同的角度批判传统形而上学,取得了一定的积极成果。
- Both Jyotish and Western traditions have existed for millennia. 周谛士和西洋传统都已经存在数千年。
- Now the human thought that the traditional drama is too dilatory and long, that is because it is and in the beforehand stage platform that kind of optional ornamental environment matches. 现在人认为传统戏曲太拖沓和冗长,那是因为它是和以前戏楼里那种随意的观赏环境相匹配的。
- Western traditional ideology, the representative of which is christianism, believes that man's death is the death of body, but the soul is immortal. 以基督教为代表的西方传统思想认为人的死亡是肉体的死亡,但是却灵魂是永恒不灭的。
- The western traditional philosophy pursues reason unilaterally, forgetting the people's realistic living world gradually, and causing the asceticism eventually in the Middle Ages. 西方传统哲学片面追求理性,渐渐遗忘了人的现实生活世界,并最终导致了中世纪的禁欲思想。
- Henceforth, the western tradition in furniture was to be that of Christiandom. 自此以后,家具的西方传统就成为“基督教精神”的了。
- "Ugly" and Idea of Chinese Traditional Drama "丑"与中国传统喜剧观念
- The Chinese traditional Drama performance 戏曲表演
- But theologians say such practices don't describe most people's religiousness in either eastern or western traditions. 但是神学家说这类实践描述不了大多数人们要么在东方要么在西方传统里的笃信。
- Utopia is a transcendental wisdom and creation of human beings in western traditional society and an internal dynamic mechanism for a society to self-renovate and self-reflect, which always foresees the end of an old age and the beginning of a new age. 乌托邦是西方传统社会人的一种超越性的智慧和创造,它往往预示着一个旧时代的结束、一个新时代的来临,是一个社会能够自我更新、自我反思的一种内在的动力机制。
- Heidegger's attitude to Husserl's phenomenology has something to do with his view on western traditional philosophy, especialy the modem subjectivistic philosophy that is initiated by Descartes. 海德格尔对胡塞尔现象学的上述这种态度与他对西方传统哲学特别是笛卡尔以来的近代主体性哲学及胡塞尔现象学与这种哲学的关系的看法有关。
- Stansfield / Hooykaas present a different, non-Western, model, without repudiating the Western tradition. 于是文化与自然在理想的整体中结合,成为了真善美的统一。
- Finally, chapter four scrutinizes the social function of these traditional dramas, all with the miser as the main character in the story. 论文理出,戏曲艺术将吝啬鬼形象深刻化,从中折射出中国文化的特性,尤其是市井文化。
- Johann Sebastian Bach was an integral figure in both German culture and the western tradition of classical music. 巴哈是德国文化和西方传统古典音乐的完人。
- Chinese traditional dramas are characteristic of "suppositionality" in performance which represents the imaginative expression of dramatic arts. 中国传统戏剧在表演时具有虚拟性的特点,这就使戏曲艺术具有“写意性”的内在特征。