- Western government leaders 西方政府领导
- Gaining public trust is of great concern to government leaders. 政府领导层固然要赢取公众的信任。
- The bad election results confounded the previous government leaders. "选举结果很糟,使前政府领导人惊惶失措。"
- The observation of the province government leaders on our corporation. 省领导视察公司。
- Central Government leaders have not previously commented on the i ue.?? 中央领导人没有就事件发表评论。
- Pray for the salvation of President Jammeh and all other government leaders. 为总统雅加玛及其他政府领袖得救祷告。
- Western governments have not dithered. 西方政府还不是犹豫不决,踌躇不前。
- Pray for the salvation of President Bouteflika and other government leaders. 祷告救恩临到总统阿布德拉兹及其他政府官员身上。
- So far, Western governments have yet to recognise Mr Kibaki fully. 到目前为止,西方各国政府还没有完全认可齐贝吉总统。
- Government leaders may grant union demands in order to forestall disorder and to avoid threats of takeovery by others. 政府领导人可能同意工会的要求以防止混乱和避免其他人夺权的威胁。
- Indeed,the Central Government leaders are determined to ensure the successful implementation of the Basic Law. 确实,我们的国家领导人将以坚定的决心,确保《基本法》成功落实。
- And this combination of clarity and decisiveness hasn’t been matched by any other Western government, least of all our own. 这种清晰和果断的兼具是其他西方国家的政府所难以企及的,尤其是我们的政府。
- The President made other government leaders aware of the need to be more economical. 总统使其他的政府领导人意识到节约开支的必要性。
- Some western government analysts believe this could include asking Lebanon's Shia movement Hizbollah to strike at the US. 一些西方政府的分析员称伊朗的还击可能包括要求黎巴嫩什叶派真主党袭击美国。
- In 1996, war-weary guerrilla and government leaders in Guatemala signed an accord ending 36 years of civil conflict. 1996年,游击队与政府签置停战协议,结束了危地马接36年内战。
- But government leaders and language experts say the effort is an uncoordinated jumble too slow to produce measurable results. 但是政府官员和语言专家都说,政府目前的努力是一团未经协调的混乱,并且速度过于缓慢,无法产生可以度量的结果。
- The British Ambassador to Washington, Sir Mark Brydon, soon finds himself in the centre of a terrifying conspiracy that could bring down Western Government. 故事由一宗飞机在华盛顿上空爆炸案揭开序幕,由于凶徒属英国穆斯林恐布分子,令英美两国陷入了政治纠纷之中。
- Parties recruit candidates and campaign to elect them to public office, and they mobilize people to participate in selecting government leaders. 政党推选候选人竞选公职,为使他们当选而展开助选活动,并动员民众参与选举政府领导人。
- The integrity system of Western government is the wisdom of the Western people.It has great reference value for the countries which are building their own politic civilization. 西方国家的政府诚信制度是西方人民政治智慧的结晶,对于正处于政治文明建设中的国家来说,具有很高的借鉴价值。
- Pray for the salvation of President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and other government leaders. 为总统恩赫巴亚尔及其他政府领袖得救祷告。