- A night scene taken from the western mountain as the eastern Genevese. 从西山上拍的昆明夜景,昆明的夜景有东方日内瓦之称。
- My window frames the snow-crowned western mountain scene; my door oft bids farewell to eastward-going ships. 窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船
- Sub-tropical tree species in the western mountain sumac has a broad distribution. 亚热带树种漆树在西部山区有着广泛分布。
- If you visit the western mountain and plains state of Montana you will know why it is known as Big Sky Country. 如果您访问西部拥有山区和平原的蒙大拿州你就会知道为什么它被称为大天空之州。
- The main peaks western mountain ridge Drainage fish, doublehua ling , such as large Liangshan, elevation 1750-2000 m in between. 西部山地主要山峰有鱼渠岭、双华岭、大梁山等,海拔在1750到2000米之间。
- We only research western mountain areas of Yongchun county, Fujian province, in order to offer effective referrence for exploitation of domestic mountain tourism resource. 因而本文仅选取福建永春西部山地进行研究,以期对我国山地旅游资源开发提供有益的启示。
- It was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains. 他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人。
- In the western mountains, water is the principal degradation factor since mountain glaciers are no longer impotrant. 在西部山区,起减削作用的主要因素是水,山区冰川不重要。
- In the western mountains, water is the principal degradation factor since mountain glaciers are no longer important. 在西部山区,起减削作用的主要因素是水,山区冰川不重要。
- Looking through the window, he saw the rolling range of snow-clad Western Mountains (refer ring to Minshan Mountain to the west of Chengdu). 那停泊在门前的几艘航船,听说正准备扬帆万里,定然是下岷江、转长江、远到东吴去吧!
- For it was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains, and on this subject he would talk endlessly. 他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人,一谈到这个题目他就滔滔不绝说个没完。
- Largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States; brownish-gray in summer and pale gray in winter; tail nearly always all white. 产于美国北部草原和西部山区的最大的野兔;夏季为褐灰色而冬季为浅灰色;尾巴几乎总是全白色。
- Qu Xiaoyi is located in the town of Yangquan City, the western mountains, is a more typical type of industrial township. 阳泉曲镇地处孝义市西部山区,是一个较为典型的工矿型乡镇。
- With the implementation of China's Great Western Devel opment Strategy,lots of expressways in Western mountainous regions will be cons tructed. 随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,西部山区高速公路将会大量修建。
- Many western mountains at an altitude of 500 meters, is the highest in Qidong County Teng Yunling, elevation 1,044 meters. 西部山峰多在海拔500米以上,最高是祁东县的腾云岭,海拔1044米。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- Abundant Late Paleozoic brachiopod fossils are contained in the Qiligou section of the Western Mountains, Taiyuan, Shanxi, and 13 benthic communities have been recognized. 摘要太原西山七里沟晚古生代剖面含有丰富的腕足动物化石,共可识别出13个底栖生物群落。
- While I stood there pondering their curious tameness, the western mountains were darkening fast, and above them the sunst was stealing the last color from the land. 当我站在那里琢磨着它们出奇的温驯的时候,西面的群山迅速地暗下来,山上的落日趁机窃取大地的最后一点色彩。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。