- Was Empress Jia the ringleader of the Upheaval of the Eight Princes in the Western Jin Dynasty? 西晋贾后:八王之乱的罪魁祸首?
- AD 265, Si Mayan of Si Mayi's grandchild builds the Western Jin Dynasty on behalf of Wei Dynasty. 摘要公元265年,司马彭之孙司马炎代魏称帝建立西晋。
- In October, a few offensive Rd Han Luoyang, capital of the Western Jin Dynasty encircled. 十月,数路汉军进攻洛阳,合围西晋都城。
- Sima Qian Cimu Yongjia the Western Jin Dynasty was founded in 2004 (AD 310), almost since 1700. 司马迁祠墓始建于西晋永嘉四年(公元310年),距今已有近1700年。
- In AD 309 (Western Jin Dynasty Yongjia three years), Liu Yuan Jian Han, all Pingyang. 公元309年(西晋永嘉三年),刘渊建汉,都平阳。
- At that time, according to Xiang States North Schleswig (now the Hebei Xingtai) has seven states of the Western Jin Dynasty to the northeast. 当时石勒北据襄国(今河北邢台)拥有西晋东北七州之地。
- Yongjia two Western Jin Dynasty (308) Liu Yuan Jian-Han and resettlement have hadpu zi , Pingyang afterward, this big-gun ownership. 西晋永嘉二年(308)刘渊建汉,曾徙都蒲子,后迁平阳,于此置大昌郡。
- Inner Mongolia, north of the town, the Western Jin Dynasty, is the North are Xianbei ethnic music sung (now Inner Mongolia and Lingle) to South Pyongsong all the way. 该镇北邻内蒙古,西晋时,是鲜卑族北都盛乐(今内蒙和林格尔)通往南都平城的必经之路。
- The town north of Inner Mongolia, Western Jin Dynasty, is the North are Xianbei ethnic Shing Lok (now the Inner Mongolia and Lingle) to the south are the only way Pingcheng. 该镇北邻内蒙古,西晋时,是鲜卑族北都盛乐(今内蒙和林格尔)通往南都平城的必经之路。
- Categorized pottery vases with red labels containing mineral, metal, plant, and/or cereal were commonly recovered from tombs dated from Han to Western Jin dynasties. 摘要汉至西晋时期的墓葬中经常发现一些盛于朱书陶瓶内的物品,按其质地可以分为天然矿物类、金属制品类、植物类、五谷类。
- The second period is in Western Jin Dynasty,during which Lu Ji's Tiandao bore the nature of metaphysics,and had an important impact on his poetry creation. 入洛之后,在玄学思潮的影响和改造下,陆机的天道思想实现了玄学化的转变,对其诗歌创作及诗风的形成产生了深刻的影响。
- Abstract: Jia Nanfeng, the empress of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty, was a person who often brought blame from others in the history of the Western Jin Dynasty. 内容提要 :晋惠帝皇后贾南风,是西晋历史上一位颇受非议的人物,史家和后人均将其作为女人干政、扰乱西晋政治和开启八王之乱的罪魁而大加贬斥。
- Xianning three years, the Western Jin Dynasty (277 years), to Chen Feng, Wang Bin Ma Wang River in the county changed the country, named Xi City County. 西晋咸宁三年(277年),陈王司马斌改封西河王驻此,郡改为国,县易名隰城。
- After the Western Jin Dynasty replaced the Cao Wei Dynasty, Yang Jun, the relative of the emperor, intervened the politics of the Western Jin Dynasty, but it was only a sudden spurt of activity prior to decline for the Yang Family. 西晋代魏以后,杨骏等人虽以外戚身份得以在短时期内干预西晋政局,却只不过是弘农杨氏汉代地位影响下在历史中的回光返照。
- Zhu Fahu , known as "Dunhuang Bodhisattva ", translated many sutras of Esoteric Buddhism, which is the indirect evidence about the early Esoteric Buddhism importing Dunhuang area at the Western Jin Dynasty. “敦煌菩萨”竺法护译出多部陀罗尼密典,这是西晋时期早期密教传入敦煌的间接依据。
- In the belief crisis caused by the social collapse in late Western Jin Dynasty,the spiritual Faramita of the literati was broken down and the traditional value lost its last recourse. 西晋末年社会大崩溃引发了信仰危机,士族社会的精神“彼岸”随之倒塌,传统的价值系统失去了最后依托。
- The tomb is a typical Western Jin and its clear date,intact tomb structure,and abundance of funerary objects provide important materials for peri-odization of graves of the Western Jin. 刘宝墓是山东境内发现的典型的西晋墓葬,其纪年明确,墓室结构完整,随葬器物丰富,为研究西晋时期墓葬的分期断代提供了重要资料。
- Kang, the Western Jin Dynasty, Shi Chong for an interview to woodcutting, the way Bobai, panic Mu GreenBeauty, Suiyi three bucket by her Aiqie pearls, and took her back to Luoyang Jingu park. 她聪颖伶俐,美丽端庄,能歌善舞会诗,以唱“懊恼曲”跳“昭君舞”为最出色。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。