- The findings help explain why West Nile fever crosses from birds to humans so easily, says Leal. 利尔说,这些发现有助于说明为什么西尼罗热可以轻而易举地从鸟类传播到人类。
- This species spreads West Nile fever and the parasites that cause the huge limb swellings of the tropical disease filariasis. 这个物种传播了西尼罗河热,寄生虫引起的热带疾病,丝虫病引起了巨大肢体肿胀。
- Objective To determine the station of introduced mosquitoes carried by entry international ships which came from west nile fever (WNF) infected areas. 摘要目的掌握来自西尼罗热疫区入境国际航行船舶携带输入性蚊媒的情况,为制定有效的控制措施提供科学依据。
- This review introduces the latest progress in etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis treatment and prevention for Rift Valley Fever and West Nile Fever. 摘要本文就裂谷热及西尼罗热的病原学,流行病学,临床表现,诊断,治疗及预防作扼要阐述。
- Research Advance in West Nile Fever 西尼罗热研究进展
- On guard of the West Nile Fever invading China 严防西尼罗热传入
- West nile virus and west nile fever 西尼罗病毒与西尼罗热
- The epidemic status and experiment diagnosis of west nile fever 西尼罗热流行现状及实验诊断
- The Epidemic and Counter Measures of West Nile Fever 西尼罗热的流行及其应对措施
- Status and Progress of Control and prevention on West Nile Fever 西尼罗病预防控制现状与进展
- West Nile fever and the controlling measure on its import in our country 西尼罗河热及我国防控该病传入的对策探讨
- The epidemic status of the West Nile Fever in recent years and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the viruses 近年来西尼罗热的流行现状及其流行毒株的表型和基因型特性
- Dengue is a relative of yellow fever, hepatitis C and the West Nile virus. 登革热是一种与黄热病、C型肝炎及西方尼罗河病毒相关的疾病。
- West Nile Virus belongs to the family Flaviviridae. 西尼罗河病毒是属于黄病毒科的其中一种。
- West Nile fever 西尼罗河热
- West nile fever infected areas 西尼罗热疫区
- However, West Nile virus can cause death in older or weak people. 但西尼罗河病毒感染仅导致老年人和身体虚弱者死亡。
- During the past several decades, alteration of habitats has also encouraged the expansion of such diseases as hantavirus, Ebola, West Nile virus, dengue fever and AIDS. 在过去数十年间,许多疾病都因为栖境改变而扩张范围,包括汉他病毒、伊波拉病毒、西尼罗病毒、登革热、爱滋病等。
- This article emphatically introduces AIDS, SARS, avian influenza, BSE, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, West Nile Virus and HPS hemorrhagic fever. 本文重点介绍艾滋病、非典、禽流感、疯牛病、埃博拉出血热、西尼罗病毒、汉坦病毒肺综合征出血热。
- The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus. 作为对照的黄热病毒疫苗株17D、登革1~4型病毒、日本脑炎病毒、西尼罗病毒Chin-01株结果均为阴性,证明该体系具有良好的特异性。