- He sailed for the West Indies from Portsmouth. 他从朴次茅斯起航,向西印度群岛进发。
- Teacher: What are some products of the West Indies? 老师:西印度群岛有什么特产啊?
- West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil. 西印度和墨西哥南部至秘鲁和巴西一带。
- I am reading a book about the West Indies. 我在读一本有关于西印度群岛的书.
- The pirate ships in the West Indies were armed with heavy ordnance. 西印度群岛的海盗船武装有大量军火。
- An island of the West Indies east of Puerto Rico. It is the largest of the British Virgin Islands. 托托拉岛西印度群岛中一岛屿,位于波多黎各以东,它是英属维尔金群岛中最大的一个岛屿
- He said good-bye to his family and shipped out for the West Indies. 他向家人道别,坐船到西印度群岛去了。
- A country occupying the easternmost island of the West Indies. 巴巴多斯:占据西印度群岛最东端岛屿的一个国家。
- On the outward voyage the ship will call in at the west Indies. 在海外航行中,这艘轮船将在西印度群岛停靠。
- But why are the islands now called "the West Indies"? 但是为什么现在叫"西印度群岛呢?
- Barbados is the easternmost of the West Indies in an island nation. 巴巴多斯是位于西印度群岛最东端的一个岛国。
- The obeah men of the West Indies have many clients in the United States. 西印度群岛上的巫师在美国有许多主顾。
- The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617. 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7, 617
- Cyril Soolum was interested in art during high school in Trinidad, West Indies. 苏尧光艺术兴趣源自高中时代,于西印度洋千里达。
- Swietenia mahagoni comes from Cuba in mid-south America and West Indies. 桃花心木产自中南美洲的古巴和西印度群岛。
- A fugitive Black slave in the West Indies in the17th and18th centuries. 逃亡黑奴17或18世纪西印度群岛的逃亡黑奴
- The West Indies were all out for364(= after scoring 364runs in cricket). 西印度群岛队以364分全队出局。
- Outside the Spanish Islands, Negroes are the dominant race in the West Indies. 在西印度群岛,除了西班牙所属的一些岛屿之外,黑人是占有优势的民族。
- After the expedition reached the West Indies, many of the men deserted. 远征队到达西印度群岛后,很多队员当了逃兵。
- The West Indies, apart from the Bahamas, are commonly divided into two parts. 与巴哈马群岛隔海相望的西印度群岛通常分为两个部分。