- States and the West Han Dynasty and Xiongnu hear well, are scrambling to deal with the Han dynasty. 西域各国听到匈奴和汉朝和好了,也都争先恐后地同汉朝打交道。
- The social turbulence of later West Han Dynasty is mainly represented by the massiveness of refugees. 摘要西汉后期,社会动荡,大量流民的存在是其主要表现之一。
- In the period of west Han and east Han dynasty,the indian Pagodas wre grafted onto chinese pavilions. 两汉时期,印度佛图就嫁接在中国的楼阁上,而成楼阁式塔。
- From the early period of West Han Dynasty to the time of Yang Xiong and Liu Xin, four-sentence literary works increasingly develop and become perfect. 从西汉初年到扬雄、刘歆,四言诗体赋呈现着不断发展和完善的特色。
- DONG Zhong-shu, a great thinker and educator in the West Han Dynasty, accumulated rich experience during his long period of moral practice. 摘要黄仲舒是西汉著名的思想家、教育家,在长期的德育实践中积累了丰富的经验。
- The fact that most of the poems and odes of West Han dynasty have story background assured Wang's describing history theory. 西汉流传下来的诗歌辞赋大多有故事性的背景,这也印证了史辞说的正确性。
- West Han Dynasty to the early Qin Dynasty replaced the original gun Xue Lu, Zhi Lu where the county (this, Shandong Qufu). 西汉朝初将秦朝原来的薛郡改为鲁国,治所在鲁县(今山东曲阜)。
- At the end of the West Han Dynasty, Wangmang usurped the leadership and waged a 15-year-old war against Gouding, driving multiple soldiers and people to immigrate to the south. 西汉末年,王莽篡夺汉位并对句町发动长达15年的战争,迫使大量句町军民南迁。
- Particularly in the West Han’s period,the Hundreds of Years Battle between the Huns and the Han dynasty,influencing the whole military situation of the West Han dynasty directly. 尤其在西汉时期,匈奴对汉的百年大战,直接影响着西汉王朝的整个军事态势。
- Abstract: Started in ancient India, Buddism was introduced into China in the last years of West Han Dynasty and began to be translated during the dominance of Emperor Huan of East Han Dynasty. 文章摘要: 佛教产生于古印度,于西汉末年传入我国,东汉桓帝末年开始汉译佛经。
- He summarized the rise and fall of the West Han Dynasty, praising its reign and apotheosizing its historical position, so as to provide historical references for the rule of the East Han Dynasty. 他以正统思想审视历史,通过总结西汉的兴衰成败,美化其统治,神化其地位,为东汉王朝提供历史借鉴;
- The measures taken by the East and West Han Dynasties soothed the citizens and stabilized the society at that time which is also significant nowadays. 两汉政府采取的一系列救灾措施对安抚受灾民众、恢复生产、稳定社会秩序有非常重要的作用。
- the period of the West Han and the East Han Dynasty 两汉时期
- On the famous minister Zhang chang of West Han Dynasty 论汉宣名臣张敞
- The Coins Pit of West Han Dynasty at the Western Bank of Jian River in Luoyang 洛阳涧西西汉钱币窖藏
- Thinking over Princes only Got "Creature Comforts Taxation" in West Han Dynasty 西汉诸侯"惟得衣食租税"考疑
- On the Little Object-describing Rhapsodies during the Early West Han Dynasty 论汉初的咏物小赋
- Paper was invented in the Han dynasty. 纸是在汉朝发明的。
- On the Multi-Origin Nature of the Chang'an Culture in West Han Dynasty 论西汉长安文化的多源性
- Crimes Committed by Enfeoffed Dukes of the Same Surnames in West Han Dynasty 西汉时期同姓诸侯王犯罪