- The modern Indic language of West Bengal and Bangladesh. 孟加拉语西孟加拉和孟加拉国的现代印度语
- Roe from the Hilsa fish is considered a delicacy in West Bengal and Bangladesh. 众多不同类型的鱼卵均被用作日本料理,包括以下未经加工即用于寿司的鱼卵。
- In India, Bangla is mainly spoken across the states of West Bengal and Tripura. 在印度,孟加拉语主要的使用范围横跨西孟加拉和特利普拉两省。
- In West Bengal, a poor household will typically have three breadwinners doing seven occupations between them. 在西孟加拉省,一个贫困家庭一般有三个人挣钱,从事七种工作。
- When dozens of chickens went missing from a remote West Bengal village, everyone blamed the neighbourhood dogs. 当西孟加拉一个偏僻村庄的数十只鸡不知去向时,所有人都认为是附近狗群干的好事。
- Football is particularly popular in two regions in India - Calcutta and West Bengal. 印度克卡达市和西孟加市是两个热爱足球运动的地区。
- But there is one place where their numbers are increasing: the swampy mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal, India. 但是,只有一处则不减反增,那就是西孟加拉桑德班斯的沼泽红树林区。
- Landholding is so fragmented because West Bengal is a crowded corner of a densely populated country. 西孟加拉人口密集,耕地却支离破碎。
- To be fair, only so much of the blame can be apportioned to the West Bengal government. 公平的说,事情不能只怪西孟加拉邦政府。
- And the Communists have a major influence in the states of Kerala and West Bengal. 印度共产党在喀拉拉邦和西孟加拉邦的影响力很大。
- West Bengal is a crowded state, which went further than most to return land to the tiller. 西孟加拉邦人口众多,在将土地分给农民经营这方面它比其它州更进一步。
- People of Bangladesh and West Bengal in India share a common culture and language. 从1965年印度与巴基斯坦发生战争之后,火车服务便停止了。
- In 1963 some 200,000 Indians in West Bengal and Assam faced imminent starvation. 1963年,印度西孟加拉省与阿萨姆省有将近20万人面临饥饿的威胁;
- Maoist Naxalite rebels in India claimed to have “liberated” an area in the state of West Bengal, seizing control from the local government. 印度毛主义者纳萨尔派叛乱者称,已经“解放”孟加拉邦中某地区,从当地政府手中夺取了控制权。
- During a wrestling competition held in one of the streets of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, a contestant literally throws his opponent out of the game. 在印度孟加拉邦加尔各答一条街上举行的一场摔跤比赛中,一名参赛者直接把他的对手摔倒。
- The West Bengal opposition is now relishing the chance to accuse the commies of cosying up to capitalists at the expense of the peasantry. 孟加拉邦的反对党眼下正享受着指控共产党人损害农民利益以讨好资本家的机会。
- Tata was lured to West Bengal by the promise of cheap land, which the state government expropriated on its behalf from the farmers who tilled it. 塔塔是被西孟加拉政府许诺的廉价土地吸引而将厂址选在那里。当地政府为了吸引塔塔在当地建厂,用政府的名义从当地农民手里强制征用了这些土地。
- West Bengal, where the communist parties have perhaps their largest presence in India, is rather famous for its commitment to land reform. 西孟加拉邦,这地方出名,也许不是因为这里曾是印度***的最大盘聚点,而是因为他们在此致力土地改革运动。
- West Bengal's policing is at best inadequate, with around 80 officers per 100,000 people, compared with over 250 in most developed countries. 但西孟加拉的警察配备充其量也只能说是不充足,每100,000人仅有80个警察人员,在大部分发达国家该数字应该是超过250人。