- Wenchuan aftershocks 汶川余震
- It was just the aftershocks from the Wenchuan earthquake in the afternoon. 下午的地震仅是汶川地震的余震。
- The peak ground acceleration (PGA) distribution maps of two strong aftershocks of great Wenchuan earthquake are generated by using proposed method. 最后对汶川大地震后的两个强余震进行了计算和分析,作出了峰值加速度分布图。
- Experts with the China Earthquake Networks Center said strong aftershocks may still rock Wenchuan, though quakes exceeding 8.0 on the Richter scale are unlikely. 中国地震台网中心的专家们说汶川可能会发生强烈余震,但震级不会超过8.;0级。
- Measuring the economic aftershocks is hard. 衡量灾后经济影响是很难的。
- Aftershocks: are they earthquakes or afterthoughts? 余震:是地震,还是多余物?
- Experts with the China Earthquake Networks said strong aftershocks may still rock Wenchuan,though quakes exceeding 7.8 on the Richter scale are unlikely. 中国地震网专家们说,虽然不会再出现7.;8级的地震,但近来强烈的余震仍可能袭击汶川。
- A severe earthquake struck Wenchuan. 汶川发生强烈地震。
- Wenchuan suffered serious casualties. 汶川镇伤亡惨重.
- Does aftershock duration scale with mainshock size? 带有主震动的余震持续期间范围?
- A strong earthquake hit Wenchuan last year. 去年汶川发生了一场大地震。
- The last aftershock was terrible. 最后那次余震很可怕。
- Wenchuan earthquake, our country has suffered pain. 汶川遭受地震,我们的国家遭受创痛。
- I felt my heart pulsate with the aftershock. 我感觉到自己的心和余震在一起震动!
- Every aftershock terrifies Ms.Li. 每次余震李太太都十分害怕。
- Experts with the China Earthquake Networks Center said strong aftershocks may still rock Wenchuan, though quakes exceeding 7.8 on the Richter scale are unlikely. 中国地震网络中心的专家强调余震仍将可能在汶川发生;但是不可能再发生超过7.;8级的地震
- At present, the Wenchuan earthquake aftershock weakened gradually, even if will have the later period aftershock still not to surpass 6.5 levels. 目前,汶川地震余震已逐渐衰减,即使发生晚期余震仍不会超过6.;5级。
- The aftershock frequency decreases regularly with time. 余震的频度随时间有规律地减少。
- The seismetic centre is located in Wenchuan,Sichuan. 震央位于四川汶川。
- Officials fear those could give way as aftershocks continue. 他们担心余震可能给那里造成危险。