- Wencheng ttmnel 温城隧道
- Wencheng IIA [454] is high and short, and also carries creaky coloring. 文成阴上[454]高而短,并带紧喉色彩;
- Within ten years of the arrival of Princess Wencheng, this ancient city on a plateau was beginning to take shape. 文成公主进藏不到10年,这座高原古城就初具规模。
- After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple, Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple. 大昭寺建成后,文成公主又建了小昭寺。
- Princess Wencheng helped design the Ramoche Temple to place the figure of Buddha which was carried from Changan. 文成公主到菩萨后主持建造小昭寺,安放自长安带去的释迦佛十二岁等身像(后移至大昭寺)。
- In the eyes of Songzan Ganbu, Princess Wencheng was the incarnation of the Goddess of Heaven. He never said no to any suggestion made by the princess. 松赞干布视文成公主是天神的化身,所以对文成公主的建议,都言听计从。
- In the main hall there stands the gilded statue of Buddha Sakyamuni, brought from Chang an city by Tang princess Wencheng. 主殿供奉着文成公主从长安带来的释迦牟呢紫金像。
- The story, a historical fact, happened in the 17th century. Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty was married to a Tibetan king. 舞剧取材于公元17世纪唐代文成公主远嫁土蕃(今西藏)国王的史实。
- Potala Palace was first built during the middle period of Zhenguan of Tang dynasty for Songzanganbu, a Zanpu of Tufan, to marry Wencheng princess. 今天气势雄伟的布达拉宫是清顺治二年(1645年)达赖五世统一西藏受清朝册封后修建和重建的。
- Songtsan Gambo in 641 AD Tang Dynasty Princess Wencheng married, while gratifying, for the princess made the Potala Palace. 公元641年松赞干布迎娶唐朝文成公主后,欣喜之余,为公主造了布达拉宫。
- When the sun shines the cute face of Princess Wencheng again,the new day coming.Every new sunshine bring the new hope to us. 当阳光再临文成公主那美丽的面庞时,新的一天又开始了。每缕新的阳光总能给我们带来新的希望。
- The Potala Palace was built 1,300 years ago in Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) when the Tibetan King Songtsam Gambo married the Tang Princess Wencheng. 布达拉宫建于1300年前吐蕃王松赞干布迎娶文成公主时期的唐代(公元618-907年)。
- Wang Wencheng,Wu Enhua.A new method deciding whether a point is in a polygon or a polyhedron[J].Journal of Software,2000,11(12):1614-1619. [2]王文成;吴恩华.;判断检测点是否在多边形或多面体内的新方法[J]
- People give Princess Wencheng credit for Lhasa's emergence as an ancient city which is, by some, looked upon as a monument to the princess's coming to Tibet. 古城拉萨的出现,被视为文成公主进藏的一座丰碑。
- Later "Culture" sub-hyphen (Wenyuan Hall, Brunei Lingtang, Wencheng Church) increase in raw materials, improving technology, so that more oil noodle characteristics. 后来“文”子字号(文元堂、文令堂、文成堂)增加原料,改进工艺,使油面更富特色。
- Potala Palace in Lhasa is situated on the mountain 3700 meters above the sea level.It was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7th century for Tang Princess Wencheng. 拉萨的布达拉宫位于海拔3700米的高山上,它是公元7世纪吐蕃王松赞干布为唐朝文成公主所建。
- Jokhang Temple was first built in 647.legend says that Princess Wencheng chose the site, because the location Wotang Lake was believe to be the heart of a female monster. 大昭寺在拉萨市中心,始建于公元647年,是藏王松赞干布为纪念文成公主入藏而建,后经历代修缮增建,形成庞大的建筑群。
- Princess Wencheng had in her retinue a large number of Chinese craftsmen and Princess Chizun also invited a number from Nepal. Thus began in the capital large-scale construction of temples. 文成公主带来大批唐朝工匠,赤尊公主也从尼泊尔请来了工匠,开始大兴土木,修建寺庙。
- "Princess Wencheng"and "Tongque Ji"(Bronze Sparrow Dance). "Princess Wencheng"was first performed in 1981 and collectively created by Zhang Minxin (1935- ), Sun Tianlu (1934- ), Qu Yinsheng (1932- ) and others. 首演于1981年的《文成公主》是以章民新(1935--)、孙天路(1934--)、曲荫生(1932--)为首的庞大创作群体的力作。
- The gold bumpa (a vase) upon which the reincarnations of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama are decided, musical instruments brought into Tibet by Wencheng and other important stuffs are also kept here. 寺里还保存着达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛转世依靠的金瓶,一些文成公主带来的乐器和其它重要的材料。