- Welthy Honsinger Fisher 韦尔西·杭辛格·费希尔
- The fisher used a spear as his weapon. 渔夫用矛作为武器。
- This river is the natural habitat of fisher. 这条河是食鱼貂的自然栖身地。
- The drowning child was saved by a fisher. 那个溺水的小孩被一个渔夫救了。
- The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it. 渔夫收了网,发现有一条大金鱼在里面。
- Lawrie Md(hons) Mphil Frcpsych, Andrew M. 放大图片 作者: Stephen M.
- Fisher and Martinez didn't agonize over anything. 可费蛇耳和马丁内兹从来不受任何事情折磨。
- Mr Fisher's family is a happy family. 费希尔先生家是一个幸福的家庭。
- Mrs. Fisher added in an undertone to Selden. 费雪太太小声对赛尔登说。
- Ikkoku Hattori Kore Hon de Shurui! 一石八鸟
- Mrs. Fisher caught her up eagerly. 费雪太太忙不迭地打断她的话。
- Aragorn: Dago hon! Dago hon! *Kill him! Kill him! 阿拉贡:杀死他!杀死他!
- That fisher made friends with a strange fish. 那个渔夫与一个怪人交上了朋友
- Gou runs Hon Hai with the power of a warlord. 他右手腕上戴著一串念珠?这是他从一处成吉思汗庙中得来的。
- Miss hon, my love. Stupid cancer. 红红,我的爱。癌症真可恨。
- As an attractive and welthy woman, she would make quite a prize. 作为一个充满魅力和富有的女人,她确实值得众人追求。
- The Hon TSANG Yok-sing, Jasper, G.B.S., J.P. 曾钰成议员; G.;B
- Early to bed, early to rise, makes one helthy, welthy and wise. (最经典的)早睡早起身体好,有钱花,有头脑。
- Mrs Fisher clasped her hands enthusiastically. 费舍太太激动地拍起双手来。
- The Hon TIEN Pei-chun, James, G.B.S., J.P. 田北俊议员; G.;B