- Preserved at a cool dry, evades light place, seal. 于阴凉干燥处密封置放,避光保存。
- The streets were well lighted up. 街上灯火辉煌。
- The hall was well lighted by a dozen windows. 十来个窗子使大厅里显得亮堂堂的。
- The room was well lighted by a dozen windows. 这个房间有十来扇窗户, 采光甚佳。
- Having gained new hope, I am trying to see life in a better light. 由于获得了新的希望,我正试图用新的眼光看待生活。
- Is the facility safe, clean, in order, well lighted; with good air quality? 工厂是否安全,清洁,井然有序,光线充足,并有良好的空气质量?
- Treat your friedns as you do your picture. And place them in their best light! 对待朋友要如珍藏的画作一般,将之展示在最佳光线下!
- Most people want to be seen in a better light. 大多数人都想让别人以更好的眼光看待自己。
- The assembly hall was well lit by the electric lights. 电灯把礼堂照得亮堂堂。
- Relieves melancholily, forgets the worry, the open heart, the change behavior pondered, faces the life light place. 解除忧郁,忘记烦恼,开放心胸,改变行为思考,朝向人生光明处。
- He said to Amrita and Keshab's other disciples: "These places should be well lighted. 他对阿里塔和柯沙布的其他门徒说:“这里应该被灯光照亮。
- Having gained new hope,I am trying to see life in a better light. 由于获得了新的希望,我正试图用新的眼光看待生活。
- The best light technique gives you the perfect driving feelings. 韩国第一的照明技术给您带来最舒适的驾驶感觉。
- Please move the desk a few inches to get better light. 请把桌子移动一下, 这样光线会好些。
- Lane 10 has got the best lighting. 10号球道的光线最好。
- Lights placed in a row along the front of a stage floor. 脚灯舞台的前沿放置一排的灯
- McDonald's is the lightest place in the foggy morning;it is wiser to stay at McDonald's than to find a hotel before day breaks. 朦胧的清晨,麦当劳是最亮的地方,去那里混到天亮再找旅馆比较理智。
- Provide a clean, dry, well lighted area free of distractions. A breeding mat helps provide footing. A boar that slips during mounting may be shy about attempting it again. 训练场地应该清洁、干燥、光照良好且无干扰。地上铺上一个防滑垫可有助于公猪站稳,公猪在爬跨时滑倒会羞于再次爬跨。
- In most cities it will be confined to broad subways or tunnels well lighted and well ventilated, or to high trestles with “moving-sidewalk” stairways leading to the top. 大多数城市将建造宽阔的地铁或隧道,带有探照灯,安装通风装置;而加高楼梯的脚手架,可使“可移动的人行道”在天桥上运行。
- The boy was backboned and he would like to make a successful living in the south place by his own efforts in order to make her parents see in a better light. 男孩也很有骨气,一心想靠自己的努力去闯荡南方,成就一番事业,让她的父母对他刮目相看。