- By investigating the Feng clan, we can exhibit the panorama of clan of Weisuo Corps to some extent and deepen our understanding of the Weisuo Corps. 通过对冯氏宗族的考察,可以在一定程度上展现卫所军户宗族之全貌,加深对卫所军户的认识。
- Weisuo Corps 卫所军户
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。
- The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 这个兵团有很强的团体精神。
- A soldier who is a member of a special corps or regiment. 精锐部队,特别部队的士兵属于特殊部队或团队的士兵
- The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。
- They were then beating up volunteers for the corps. 当时他们正在为军团募集志愿兵。
- What do Libertarians think of the Peace Corps? 您想自由分子和平队?
- He was a soldier of Marine Corps. 他曾是海军陆战队里的一名士兵。
- The corps are[is] assembling near this town. 军团正在本城镇附近集结。
- He's in the quartermaster corps. 他在军需部门。
- She served in the medical corps. 她在医务部队服过役。
- The deanof the Washington diplomatic corps. 华盛顿外交使团中的泰斗。
- Xingjiang Production and Construction Corps. 新疆生產建设兵团。
- The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Data C. 陆军工程兵航运数据中心。
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- De tout la chaleur de ton corps. 你温馨的背脊。
- Rain will benefit the farmer's corps. 雨有助于农人的作物
- The esprit de corps of a football team. 足球队的集体精神
- Farmers usually alternate their corps. 农夫们通常轮重谷物