- Weinashi still will be bullied. 还很会被维娜斯欺负。
- Any time, i still will be a optimistical person! 无论什么时,我都是一个乐观的人!
- If you are too lenient, you will be bullied by others. 你过于宽让了, 别人就会欺负你!
- Harder still will be breaking the addiction to blockbusters. 但是想要戒除对拳头产品的依赖还很困难。
- However, the living to live well, China will be more powerful in other countries will not be bullied! 不过活着的人要好好活着,中国要更强大才能不被别的国家欺压!
- Sometimes there will be skeptics who still will stall the implementation of change. 有时一些怀疑论者还是要妨碍改革的措施。
- The days when the Chinese people could be bullied at will are gone once for all. 中国人民任人欺侮的日子一去不复返了。
- Presuming you know the principles of affiliate marketing , you still will be confronted with a lot of questions. 即使你对会员行销的原则了如指掌,你仍然会碰到许多问题。
- If there's one day you are so old that no teeth left, there still will be your bare teethridge that I can kiss on. "如果有一天你老了,老的连牙齿也没了,我仍然会吻你那--没有牙的牙床!"
- Maybe I still will be, you never know.Maybe I wouldn't be a professional athlete at all and just a very active sportswoman. 也许我还会是,你们从不会知道,也许我不会成为一个职业运动家而只是一个活跃的女运动员。
- It is reported, as " the government is curule declare domestic worth " measure of form a complete set, russian judiciary still will be built " electronic asset database " . 据悉,作为“政府高官申报家庭财产”的配套措施,俄司法部还将建立 “电子资产数据库”。
- Post says, think in people 2008 still will be estate when continueing one year of fiery, what greeted the market suddenly is constrictive with " inflection point " . 邮件说,就在人们以为2008年还将是房地产继续火暴的一年时,突然迎来了市场的紧缩与 “拐点”。
- Our brigade will be committed at dawn. 我们旅黎明就要投入战斗。
- Sina in the activity each link were installed multinomial large award, and in " imitate is fried " in the contest, the winner still will be obtained 1000000 firewood position. 新浪在活动各个环节设置了多项大奖,而在“模拟炒股”大赛中,优胜者还将获得百万年薪职位。
- This association market studies the branch still is forecasted, phosphate fertilizer industry still will be the industry with sulfureous and most consumption. 该协会市场研究部门还预测,磷肥工业依然将是消费硫磺最多的行业。
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- Session, sponsor center of data of square DCCI Internet to still will be held " data of Chinese Internet market was released first half of the year 2009 " . 会议期间,主办方DCCI互联网数据中心还将举行“2009年上半年中国互联网市场数据发布”。
- I have a fear that we will be late. 我怕我们要迟到了。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 让我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。