- You must weigh your words when you talk to her. 你跟她谈话时必须小心翼翼。(非“称你的话”)
- Weigh your words. 斟酌你说的话。
- Weigh well your words lest they be swords. 斟酌你的言辞,避免它们变成利剑。
- Space your words when you write. 写字的时候要把字均匀地隔开。
- Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。
- I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully. 我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
- After you have done that, she will weigh your luggage. 办完这之后,她会将你的行李称重过磅。
- It's your words that hetted him. 是你的一番话激怒了他。
- Your words don't string;you're drunk. 你说话都不连贯了,你喝醉了。
- Your words of cheer disposed me for the task. 你的一番鼓励的话使我乐意接受这项任务了。
- Remember, weigh your need for fire against your need to avoid enemy detection. 记住,请事先衡量您对火的需求与避免敌人发现之间的轻重缓急。
- Don't you think your words superabound too much? 少说几句不行吗?
- What do you intend for your words? 你说这些话是什么意思?
- Your words touched her self-esteem. 你的话伤害了她的自尊心。
- Your words were rather misleading. A. 你所说的话颇容易引起误解。
- Your words and actions do not accord. 你的言行不一致。
- Perhaps he does not believe your words. 他也许不相信你的话。
- To cultivate magnanimity, study the lives of the great. To cultivate determination, weigh your ideals and aspirations. 多读历史的名人故事可以养量多想自己的心胸怀抱可以养志。
- You should pay attention to picking your words . 你应该注意措词。
- Your actions do not correspond with your words. 你的言行不一。