- Nuns in the Wei Jin, South and North Dynasty 魏晋南北朝时期的比丘尼
- Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the pluralistic developing period of academic thought of our country. 魏晋南北朝时期是我国学术思想多元化发展时期。
- North South high-lying low, undulating. 地势南高北低,起伏不平。
- AD 439 years after the Northern Wei Jin, according to Ha Tay, the Palace Huan. 公元439年北魏进据河西后,人宫为宦。
- China borders many countries on its north,south and west. 中国的北部、南部西部和许多国家接壤。
- The Book Collecting and Its Influence in Wei Jin South and North Dynasty 魏晋南北朝的藏书及其影响
- It is Italian north South Tirol and a place to be summoned to. 是被叫意大利的北部的南面蒂罗尔的所。
- At last , the emotion ontology of Chinese classic verse is established since Wei Jin. 最后分析魏晋以来情感诗学的发展和情感本体论的确立。
- Confucianism declined,Zhuangzi and Laozi"s study were very prevail in Wei Jin Nan Bei Cao. 魏晋南北朝是儒学式微、庄老盛行的时代。
- Academic circles to the study of Confucian classics research of the Wei Jin dynasty is a meagre lot, System research more be nearly blank space. 然而学术界对于魏晋经学的研究至今寥寥无几,经学史的系统研究更是几乎空白。
- People have high level in realizing clinic, causes of disease, acupuncture, hairdressing and geographical distributing rules of disease in the Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties. 魏晋南北朝时期人们对临床、急症、针灸、美容、疾病的地理分布等,都有较高的认知水平。
- Wearing Frangipani for good luck, sitting and dazing in the Wei Jin Dynasty-flavor pavilion quietly, you can leave all your thoughts behind and just let the time go by. 戴着能给自己带来好运的鸡蛋花,在颇具魏晋古风的发呆亭坐坐,什么也不想,任时间静静流逝;
- Running script: The running script is situated between the kaishu and the grass script one kind of typeface, starts in the Wei Jin time in the folk to be popular. 行 书:行书是介于楷书和草书之间的一种字体,在魏晋时代开始在民间流行。
- Chinese feudalism legitimism law thought comes into being from Qin Han, after development of Wei Jin southern and northern dynastiets , till attaining perfection in Tang Dynasty. 中国封建正统法律思想自秦汉产生,经魏晋南北朝的发展,至唐代臻于完善。
- Researchers at UNC in China studied more than 750 Chinese men women, aged between 40 59, in three rural villages in north south China. 北卡罗林娜大学在中国的研究者选取了750名以上的男性和女性居民,他们来自中国南部和北部的三个乡村地区,年龄在40到59岁之间。
- Even if being metaphysics be in vogue in Wei Jin dynasty, Study of Confucian classics is on the wane to some extent comparing with The Chinese time, effect is assignable. 即便魏晋时期玄学盛行,经学较之两汉有所衰落,但对当时社会方方面面的影响也是不可忽视的。
- There were three means of the nature in Wei Jin aesthetics: one was the natural in nature, the second was spontaneousness and own so, the third was nature in the life meaning. 魏晋美学中的自然具有三层含义,一是自然界的自然;二是自然而然,自己如此;三是生命意义上的自然。
- They from north south present Gu line to distributing in bank of madder of peace and tranquility, comprise a long and narrow half moon form roughly. 它们自北而南呈现孤线分布在太平洋西岸,大致组成一个狭长的半月外形。
- You Xian poetry is one kind of important poetry theme in Wei Jin, has a profound cultural accumulation, is congealing how many writer's hope and the dream, sad and helpless. 摘要游仙诗是魏晋时期一种重要的诗歌题材,具有深厚的文化积淀,凝结着多少文人的希冀和梦想,忧伤与无奈。
- North south snows the sunlight to be actually brilliant, is ten days half month-long, the disaster situation also continues in the seat of monarchical government. 南方下雪北方却阳光烂漫,一下就是十天半个月的,灾情还在廷续中。