- During the Wei and Jin periods,people were sceptical about Confucian morality Cultivation. 魏晋时期 ,人们对儒家的修身主义产生了怀疑。
- They happened to be living in the period when metaphysics was in the prime of development and experienced the tumult of dynasty-changeover during Wei and Jin periods. 他们生逢玄学发展的黄金时期,又经历了魏晋之际改朝换代的动荡,其文学创作和思想带有鲜明的时代特色。
- In China,"the argument on the relationship between language and meaning" in the Wei and Jin period is regarded as concentrative discussion on that topic. 在中国,魏晋时期的言意之辨堪称对这一问题的集中讨论;在西方,海德格尔、加达默尔的语言本体论对此问题作出高度思辨性的解说。
- the Six Dynasties in Wei and Jin Period 魏晋六朝
- On the Poetic Life of Scholars During the Wei and Jin Periods 论魏晋士人的诗意人生
- On Lao Zi's Theory of the Wei and Jin Dynas. 魏晋老学初探。
- On mental attitudes and destinies of celebrities in Wei and Jin periods 论魏晋名士的心态与命运
- Humanity - Emotion - Literature--On the Metaphysic in Wei and Jin Periods and Literature 人·情·文--魏晋玄学与文学漫议
- On the Change from Confucian Classics Craze in the West and Eastern Han Periods to the Metaphysical Speculations in Wei and Jin Periods and the Cause of the Change 两汉经学到魏晋玄学及其转变之原因
- On the Life Awareness in Ghost Stories in South and North Dynasties in China's Wei and Jin Period 论魏晋南北朝鬼故事中的生命意识
- The Culture Nature and Cause of Consciously Aesthetic Perception in Wei and Jin Period 魏晋审美自觉的文化基质及其成因
- On Commentary Analysis on Characters and Literature Creations during the Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties in Wei and Jin Period 论人物品评与魏晋六朝文学创作
- Wei and Jin periods 魏晋
- In the periods of Wei and Jin, being buried in homeland was very popular.It was more believable that he was buried in his homeland Jurong, which was also recorded in literatures. 魏晋时期盛行归葬习俗,葛洪卒后归葬到了家乡句容,因此关于葛洪墓在句容的史料记载最为可信。
- His calligraphy follows the prevailing customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties. 他的书法承袭了魏晋的流风。
- the Wei and Jin period 魏晋时期
- Wei and Jin Period 魏晋
- Three Kingdoms period, replaced by Lu Wei and Jin dynasty gun, at which time the jurisdiction in this Qufu, Shandong Province, Surabaya, Zi-yang area. 三国时期的曹魏及晋朝改为鲁郡,其时辖地在今山东省曲阜、泗水、滋阳一带地区。
- The Wei and Jin Dynasties are of great importance to the study of ancient Chinese.Many scholars have had a comprehensive study and dissertation of the phonology of this period. 魏晋时期是上古汉语研究中的一个重要时期,时贤前彦对此时期的音韵学已有了全面的研究与论述。