- Return natural Wei Yu designs the tendency. 回归自然的卫浴设计趋势。
- Match on two curtain to the window between Wei Yu, one is hazy white gauze, one is chromatic cloth art. 给卫浴间的窗子配上两道帘子,一层是朦胧的白纱,一层是彩色布艺。
- Somebody can think, those who have crock of basin of closestool, face, bath is integral Wei Yu. 有人会认为,有马桶、面盆、浴缸的就是整体卫浴。
- What perhaps want between Wei Yu is this one is cool and refreshing and abstruse. 也许卫浴间要的就是这一份清凉深邃。
- Break monochromatic space to manacle, the colour of profusion walks into Wei Yu completely already inside. 打破单色空间束缚,缤纷的色彩已完全走进卫浴间内。
- Wei Yu: The clean that takes blue wave and piscine pattern is provided or face basin is very right choice. 卫浴:带蓝色波浪和鱼图案的洁具或面盆都是非常不错的选择。
- Between Wei Yu in can accomplish so artistic, what does such life still have joyless? 卫浴间里都能做到如此风雅,这样的生活还有什么不快乐?
- Small closestool also is cherishing actually greatly ambition is entered gave the one party world between Wei Yu. 小小的马桶竟然也怀抱着大大的野心闯出了卫浴间的一方天地。
- China will surpass the US, becomes whole world biggest Wei Yu the product consumer market. 中国将超过美国,成为全球最大的卫浴产品消费市场。
- Before specializing in inn of some homebred brand Wei Yu, with " decorating " the reporter for was greeted by enthusiastic sale young lady inn. 在一专营某国产品牌卫浴店前,以“正在装修”为由的记者被热情的销售小姐迎了进店。
- At that time, Botou Hui of North Korea's official San Wei Yu Shi Shi, Li Bu Yu Ji along the Raritan, using these wood repair the mosque. 当时,泊头在朝的回族官员御史石三畏、礼部沿书余继登,用这批木料修缮了清真寺。
- Now, if you have the mental state that a Luo Mandi overcomes, might as well between the Wei Yu that tries sunshine to fall. 现在,你假如有一份罗曼蒂克的心境,不妨尝试一下阳光下的卫浴间。
- Blue is being represented relaxed, easy and comfortable, halcyon, the friend scarcely that believes to love blue can miss Wei Yu such dressing up! 蓝色代表着清爽、安逸、宁静,相信酷爱蓝色的朋友一定不会错过卫浴间如此的装扮!
- Between nowadays Europe's very popular Wei Yu, bedroom unifinication also walks into China, and dote on by youth and white-collar class. 时下欧洲非常流行的卫浴间、卧室一体化也走进中国,且深受年轻人和白领阶级宠爱。
- Between Wei Yu in, you are OK bona fide experience works hard to make he had a kind of what kind of life eventually for years to oneself. 在卫浴间里,你可以真实地体会到自己多年辛劳终于使自己拥有了一种什么样的生活。
- Because the space between Wei Yu is general lesser, only 3-5 square metre is controlled, do a bit decorate luxuriously, expenditure won't be too much. 由于卫浴间空间一般都较小,只有3-5平方米左右,稍做豪华的布置,花费不会太多。
- Before people habit affixes big white or other monochromatic ceramic tile with kitchen and other places between Wei Yu, appeared lacklustre. 以往人们习惯在卫浴间和厨房等地贴上大片白色或其他单色瓷砖,显得了无生气。
- Can close the lower part of lavatory rise, catharsis articles for use hides inside, sex of whole of the illuminative between the Wei Yu that finish. 可以将洗脸盆的下方封闭起来,内藏洗涤用品,完成卫浴间装饰的整体性。
- Yuci, known as the Spring and Autumn Period Tu water, Wei Yu, the Warring States period Yuci renamed under the Taiyuan County. 榆次,春秋时期称为涂水、魏榆,战国时期改称榆次,隶属太原郡。
- If the color of equestrian clapboard follows the shade of ceramic tile can mutual echo, the design between Wei Yu is met more see outstanding. 要是马桶板的颜色跟瓷砖的色彩能互相呼应,卫浴间的设计会更见出色。