- Wei Xian, Battle of 潍县战役
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。
- The two often engage in a battle of words. 他俩总是唇枪舌剑的。
- Vietnam War: Battle of Dak To begins. 越南战争:达喀图战役开始。
- The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides. 塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。
- Clearance isda ming fu Chihli Qianlong Twenty-two years (in 1757) to name WEI Xian Province, Yuan City II Prefecture, Ji-nan Road is Chihli. 清属直隶大名府,乾隆二十二年(1757年)省魏县入大名、元城二县,属直隶冀南道。
- They reenacted the battle of Princeton. 他们再演出了那场战斗。
- Jingning County, Gansu Province Jingning County is located in the rural deep south-west, southwest and adjoiningtong wei xian . 甘肃省静宁县深沟乡位于静宁县西南部,西南与通渭县毗连。
- He died in the battle of Waterloo. 他死于滑铁卢战役。
- A siege is a battle of attrition. 围城是一场消耗战。
- Granville County, Hebei Wei Xian Zhen Ao seal Limited, located in the famous domestic production base for rubber products: Granville County, Hebei Province. 河北威县震奥密封件有限公司,位于国内著名橡胶产品生产基地:河北威县。
- He met his end(= died)at the Battle of Waterloo. 他在滑铁卢战役中阵亡。
- WEI Xian open, rural hospitality of the pear people, sincerely welcome people from all walks of life to WEI Xian sightseeing, to invest and develop together. 开放的魏县,热情好客的梨乡人民,真诚欢迎社会各界有识之士来魏县观光旅游,投资兴业,共谋发展。
- The game was a long battle of wits. 这场游戏是长时间的斗智。
- When was the battle of Waterloo fought? 滑铁卢战争什么时候打的?
- Battle Of The Sexes In The Anima World. 性别的战争。
- The picture represents the battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘的是滑铁卢战役。
- When an ancient Jizhou Yugong summer for the concept of households in the country, little brother weekskang shu King fief. 12 years of the Han dynasty (195 years BC), basedwei jun , WEI Xian home. 古禹贡时属冀州,夏为观户国,周为武王少弟康叔封地。汉高祖12年(公元前195年)设魏郡,置魏县。