- The average web surfer surfs with their PC screen set to an 800 x 600 resolution. 网站访问者的计算机屏幕分辨率一般设定为800x600。
- Veteran online shoppers and heavy English websites web surfer( meaning you might have a sense of what‘ s good and bad about a website). 有网上购物经验和经常浏览英语网站的习惯和有评价分析网站设计优劣的能力。
- And to any frequent Web surfer, this ability will make your application feel faster, more responsive, and bring them back over and over again. 对于那些经常上网的人,这种能力可以让您的应用程序感觉更快、响应更及时,让他们不时地光顾您的网站。
- Even if you find a really excellent designer who can put together an incredible high-tech Flash feature, consider the harried web surfer. 即使你所找的Flash高手能综合地制造出非常好的Flash效果,不要忘了考虑可能时刻被别的网站夺走的访问用户。
- By letting any Web surfer access music, news or other material that was previously available only to members, AOL could attract more advertising revenue and promote its sagging subscription service. 把这些从前只有会员才可以欣赏到的音乐,电影及其他内容提供给任何的网络用户可以帮助AOL吸引更多的广告收入及推广其陷入低迷的收费服务。
- Every web surfer, in the course of his or her browsing, has been forced to stop and perform this weird little task: look at a picture of some wavy, ghostly, distorted letters and type them into a box. 每一个互联网用户在浏览网页的过程中,都不得不停下来完成一个奇怪的小任务:将一张图片中波浪的、朦胧的或者扭曲的字母辨认出来,并把它们填到一个小方框里。
- It is doubtful that most web surfers would recognise Google in Mr Rubin's vituperative description. 多数网民是否认可鲁宾对谷歌的责骂,是有疑问的。
- Well-documented by the media, these invasions were experienced directly (perhaps for the first time) by the growing masses of casual web surfers. 好的-被媒体证明,这些侵犯直接的(第一次也许)被偶然的网乘冲浪板玩乐的人成长的块是富有经验的。
- Hundreds of thousands of Internet servers are at risk of an attack that would redirect unknowing Web surfers from legitimate sites to malicious ones. 扫描发现成千上万的担当网络白页的服务器易受的攻击。
- Web surfers like to socialise while they browse the internet, but many prefer to do so only with their friends rather than with perfect strangers. 网民喜欢他们浏览的网页社会化,但,也有许多人更喜欢和他们的朋友一起而不是和完美的陌生人一起浏览网页。
- These incompatibilities between browsers are as big a headache for developers as they are for Web surfers, some professionals say. 一些专业人员说; 浏览器之间不兼容的问题; 让开发者和浏览者都很头痛.
- I, for one, am impatient.That makes me only one of THOUSANDS of Web surfers that simply WILL NOT WAIT for your banner-ladg pages to load. 很多网站浏览者像我一样,没有耐心等待包含大量横幅的网页下载。
- Mr.Bergman said the long-term impact of Deep Web search had more to do with transforming business than with satisfying the whims of Web surfers. 伯格曼先生最后指出,深层网络搜索的长期影响更多是改变商务,而不是为了满足网民的一时冲动。
- Meanwhile, China has been conducting semiannual counts, but its loose definition of Web surfers may have helped it take the lead from the U.S. 与此同时,中国每半年就统计一次网民人数,但其对网络用户的宽泛定义可能影响了调查结果,使得中国网民数超过了美国。
- An opposition leader pounced Sunday and Web surfers gawked by the hundreds of thousands over video footage showing Sarkozy snapping at a man in a crowd at a Paris trade fair. 周日反对党领导人对总统发起了攻击,并且在互联网上提供了成百上千关于萨科奇在巴黎商品展览会大声斥责一男子的视频。
- States behind Google Inc, this week announced plans to revamp its homepage to make itself more relevant to Web surfers and create new ways to sell advertising. 雅虎作为在美国仅次于谷歌的第二大网络搜索引擎,本周宣布计划重改它的主页为了让它更适合网络冲浪并开发新的方式去做广告。
- With professional Web surfers like McCabe working behind the scenes, Internet enthusiasts can easily and quickly research their dream vacation and a whole lot more. 网友喜欢与专业工作McCabe事件幕后网络爱好者可以方便快捷地科研和梦想渡假整个得多.
- The Silver Surfer: All that you know, is at an end. 银影侠:你知道的,这一切终将结束。
- The wave curled over the surfer. 波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过
- For your information, Cookies are small computer files that can be stored in web surfers computers for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analysing web surfers viewing habits. Cookies为很小的电脑档案,可存储于上网人士的电脑内,用于获取配置资料及分析上网人士的检视习惯。