- Weak pulse signal 微弱脉冲信号
- The scheme to combine the interwell SR with single-potential well approximation model of bistable system is put forward for detecting weak sound pulse signal. 提出了将双稳系统阱间随机共振和单势阱近似模型相结合的解决方案,并用于检漏声脉冲的检测,取得了良好效果;
- Shock victims often have a weak pulse, pale and clammy skin, and breathe with difficulty. 休克患者常常脉搏微弱,皮肤苍白、湿冷,呼吸困难。
- Symptoms of acute cyanide poisoning include headache, vertigo, lack of motor coordination, weak pulse, abnormal heartbeat, vomiting, stupor, convulsions, coma, and even death. 急性氰化物中毒包括头痛、眩晕、运动不协调、脉搏微弱、心律失常、呕吐、麻痹、惊厥、昏迷,甚至死亡。
- After equilibrium and regeneration, the current pulse signal reverts to standard digital pulse signal. 经过均衡和再生后,转变成标准的数字脉冲信号。
- Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall allow no irregularities and no interruptions. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。必要的反译变通可使译文简练、明了。
- Also air bladder and sand contained in mud, type of mud affect attenuation of mud pulse signal. 钻井深度、泥浆中的气泡量、含砂量和泥浆类型对信号衰减有一定的影响。
- The patient has a weak pulse. 这位病人脉搏很弱。
- It can be used to detect the radar pulse signal and estimate its parameters, such as PA, PW, TOA, SNR and RF. 该算法可在低信噪比条件下完成雷达脉冲信号的检测,然后对雷达脉冲信号的脉冲幅度、脉宽、到达时间、信噪比和载频等参数进行估计。
- Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components. 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
- The character of tongue and pulse: pale tongue or pale red (violet) tongue occupied 83%, white tongue coating occupied 87%, thin tongue coating occupied 63%, deep and thready pulse occupied 33%, weak pulse occupied 29%, and wiry pulse occupied 25%. 舌脉象特点:舌质淡或淡红(紫)83%25,苔白(87%25)或薄(63%25),脉或沉细(33%25),或弱无力(29%25),或弦(25%25)。
- The flow sensor made the leaf wheel change the pulse signal,the computer use the pulse number to record the heat water quantity. 流量传感器将叶轮转动信号转换成电脉信号,计算机通过记录脉冲数实现对流过的高温水进行累计测量;
- Myopia, indulgence of certain food, preference to cold food, sallow complexion or with insect spots, lassitude, poor memory, pale tongue, weak pulse indicating insufficiency of Qi and blood. 近视,偏食一物,寒食不断,面色萎黄,或有虫斑,精神不振,记忆减退,舌淡脉弱,乃气血不足之象。
- In the electronic reconnaissance area, the conventional detection method of the radar pulse signal is based on nonmatched envelope detection. 摘要在电子侦察领域中,传统的雷达脉冲信号检测是基于包络检波的非匹配检测。
- As a special case,the effect of rectangular envelope edge of pulse signal on intermediate frequency sampling is carefully studied. 作为一种特例 ,详细研究了简单脉冲信号矩形包络边沿对镜频抑制的影响 ;
- This paper is devoted to the exact and real-time detection and recognition of the laser pulse signal in the spectra between 400 and 1700nm. 本文的工作重点是对400-1700nm 光谱范围内脉冲激光光谱信号进行准确、快速、实时的检测与识别。
- We used weak pulses of light to monitor the precession, in effect obtaining stroboscopic images of the spin dynamics. 我们用弱光脉冲来观测进动,取得了自旋运动的频闪观测影像。
- Conclusion Using this method, a lot of information of the pulse signal can be found.It provides a new method for objectification of pulse diagnosis. 结论应用这种方法可以比较准确地分析脉象信号所携带的大量生理信息,从而为中医脉诊客观化提供了一种新方法。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- By using the sample data of the pulse signal to fit the curve, it calculates the maximum of the curve, that is, the amplitude of the pulse signal. 由脉冲信号采样点数据,通过曲线拟合,计算出曲线的极大值,该值即为闪烁探测器输出脉冲信号的幅度。