- To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 直到如今,我们还是又饥又渴,又赤身露体,又挨打,又没有一定的住处。
- If we are hungry and drivel for cater but force ourselves not to eat, it is too pitiful and don't live up to the host's hospitality. 空著肚子望著美食流口水,强迫自己不吃,这未免太矫情,不但白白浪费了食物,也未免太辜负主人的一番好意了。
- We were hopelessly lost,tired,hungry and,to crown it all,it started to rain. 我们完全迷路了,感到疲乏和饥饿,而且更糟的是,天又开始下起雨来了。
- When we were hungry,we sent out for some bread. 我们肚子饿的时候,便派人出去买些面包。
- We are hungry,and if it get dark,so much the worse. 我们都饿了,如果天再黑下来,那就更糟糕了。
- We are hungry for your growth and we are result driven. 进取、竞争、自律。注重个人发展和工作实绩。
- We are hungry, and if it get dark, so much the worse. 我们都饿了,如果天再黑下来,那就更糟糕了。
- We are hungry for the result of the election. 我们急于知道选举结果。
- We were hopelessly lost, tired, hungry and, to crown it all, it started to rain. 我们完全迷路了,感到疲乏和饥饿,而且更糟的是,天又开始下起雨来了。
- CLAUDIA: Come, lovely. It's time we were on our way. I'm hungry and the city waits. 克劳迪娅:走吧,亲爱的。我们该走了。我饿了,外面的城市在等着我们呢。
- But we were hungry now, so we hc d to find some placexto sit down, and took a simple picnic beside theqmall Gosausee. 但是现在我们肚子饿了,只?093785??个地方坐下,在小岣梢湖旁简单地野餐一下。
- We were struck dumb with horror and grief. 惊恐和忧伤使我们哑口无言。
- Always the rising chorus swelled: "We are hungry, your wife, your babies, your parents. When will it be over? 士兵们收到这信普遍充满了这样的抱怨:"你的老婆,你的娃娃们,你的父亲,都在饿肚子,这日子几时才完啊?
- We were in a sorry plight, tired, lost and hungry. 我们疲乏不堪, 迷了路又饿着肚子, 处境很是窘迫。
- We were caught in the storm and got drenched. 我们遇上大雨全都被浇透了。
- We eat, we are lucky, our faces are shining with fat, but we don' tknow the pleasure of being hungry any more. 我们嚼着,感到很幸运,脸上油腻腻地放着光,但再也体会不到饥饿的快乐。
- "When the stomach is empty, it triggers the ghrelin hormone that notifies the brain that we are hungry. “当胃是空的时,该状态促进生长激素释放肽,该激素告知大脑我们饿了。
- We perceived that we were unwelcome and left. 我们发觉自己不受欢迎,因此便离开了。
- We were wined and dined at the firm's expense. 公司出钱请我们吃喝。
- We were going for a walk and they joined on. 我们正要去散步,他们也跟了去。