- They take a walk on the path beside the river. 他们在河边的小路上散步。
- We walk on the path. 我们在小路上走。
- I walked on the path of the field. 我走在田间小路上。
- They are taking a walk on the path beside the river. 他们正在河边的小路上散步。
- They often take a walk on the path beside the river. 他们常在河边的小路上散步。
- When we walk on the street, we must use the pedestrian path in order to avoid traffic accidents. 当我们在街上走时,一定要走行人该走的地方,以免发生交通事故。
- They went out for a walk on the gravelled path. 他们在碎石小径上散步。
- Ranged combat is not the path we walk. 远程射击不是我们所遵循的道路。
- We walked across the fields on the sandy path. 我们踩着这条沙路穿过田野。
- He walked on the path in the cemetery alone and suddenly felt scared. 他一个人走在坟山的小路上,突然感觉很害怕。
- They walk on the rugged country road. 他们在崎岖不平的乡村小路上走着。
- I decided that if we walked along the bottom of this valley we could climb up again and rejoin the path on the far side of the bushes. 而是决定沿着山谷下面走,这样我们可以再一次爬上来,重新走上这条小径而把这些灌木远远地甩在后面。
- Sometimes we walk on the edge, ilke the trench of the bowling, but we won't fall out. 有时候我们走在边边,像保龄球道旁边的沟沟,但我们不会掉出去。
- We walked up the path to the front door. 我们沿着小道走到正门。
- Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes. 在人行道的内侧走,避开车辆的废气。
- Walk on the ice path with particular care. 在结冰的路上走要特别小心。
- If we walk through life on the path we have chosen feeling as though we have to do this or we have to do that, eventually we might feel overwhelmed. 如果我们老是觉得在人生的旅途中所做的选择,是我们不得不做的,最终我们或许会有被压垮的感觉。
- We went for a walk on the common. 我们在公地上散步。
- To guide our footsteps on the path we tread. 祈祷在我们走的路途上充满光明。
- If you like, we can take a walk on the embankment. 如果你乐意,我们可以在堤岸上散步。