- We must proceed with caution and not be railroaded into a policy with negative impact. 马时亨回应称,经已照足规矩行事,加倍小心,但仍有人质疑。
- In short, China's open policy will remain unchanged, but in pursuing it we must proceed with caution. 总之,中国的对外开放政策是坚定不移的,但在开放过程中要小心谨慎。
- We must proceed with caution. 我们必须小心行事。
- To improve doctor-patient relationship,we must proceed with cultivating and advancing doctors sensibilities. 医患关系的改善必须从围绕提升医生的道德情感这个内在的中心问题入手。
- He told us to proceed with caution. 他要我们谨慎行事。
- We must proceed in accordance with the rules. 我们必须按照规章办事。
- Born in 1946: Plan ahead. Proceed with caution. 1946年出生者:提早订定计划。谨言慎行。
- We must proceed with Party building ideologically, organizationally and in work style in parallel with institutional improvement, not only ensuring a good performance of our day-to-day work, but also tackling prominent issues in good time. 一定要把思想建设、组织建设和作风建设有机结合起来,把制度建设贯穿其中,既立足于做好经常性工作,又抓紧解决存在的突出问题。
- You must proceed with your work. 进行继续某事。
- We must proceed with Party building ideologically,organizationally and in work style in parallel with institutional improvement,not only ensuring a good performance of our day-to-day work,but also tackling prominent issues in good time. 一定要把思想建设、组织建设和作风建设有机结合起来,把制度建设贯穿其中,既立足于做好经常性工作,又抓紧解决存在的突出问题。
- Can you proceed with caution when you approach a flashing yellow light? 在黄灯闪烁时你是否可以小心前行?
- Whatever the outcome ,we must resolutely proceed with our objective . 无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。
- Whateer the outcome , we must resolutely proceed with our odjectie . 无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。
- And despite all the controversy, health agencies seem content to let them proceed with caution. 不管争议如何,卫生机构似乎同意研究人员可以继续进行异种移植,但要谨慎从事。
- Alien DNA traced to nuclear plant in the outskirts. New breed highly intelligent and aggressive. Proceed with caution. 研究采集样本后得知,在市郊核工业区有个繁殖基地,那儿的异形经变异后更加凶残狡猾,小心行事!
- Attention patrol. Report of suspicious activity at residence. Possible drug den. Proceed with caution. 巡逻人员注意,接到报告,在住宅区有匪徒闯入,大概是在一个药物室,命你去查看,注意安全。
- To achieve a lofty goal, we must proceed from what is close at hand. 要实现一个崇高的目标,必须从切近处做起。
- So, one should proceed with caution when promoting users and be aware of their increased privileges. 因此,当一个人,提升一个用户的用户级别的时候,应该注意这个用户增加的特权。
- Proceed with caution. 小心行事。
- In carrying out our modernization programme we must proceed from Chinese realities. 我们的现代化建设,必须从中国的实际出发。