- We must disengage our troops (from the conflict). 我们必须把部队(从战斗中)撤出。
- We must disengage our troops(from the conflict). 我们必须把部队(从战斗中)撤出.
- We must disengage our troops . 我们必须把部队撤出.
- We must disengage our troops 我们必须把部队撤出
- We mustn't expose our troops needlessly. 我们不应在没有必要的情况下暴露我们的部队。
- We must take a hard look at our finances. 我们应该密切注意财务问题。
- We must reestablish our homestead. 我们必须重建我们的家园。
- We must not be complacent about our achievements. 我们决不能满足于自己的成绩。
- We must improve our efficiency as soon as possible. 我们必须尽快地提高工作效率。
- The enemy made a thrust against our troop. 敌人向我军发动了袭击。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- Our troops were drawn up in battle array. 我们的部队已严阵以待。
- We must streamline our production procedures. 我们必须精简生产程序以提高效率。
- Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗。
- We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支。
- Our troops have penetrated (into) enemy territory. 我部队已深入到敌占区。
- We must get some method into our office filing. 我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来。
- Our troops withstood the onset of the enemy. 我们的部队抵挡住了敌人的进攻。
- Our troops raided the enemy camp. 我们的部队袭击了敌营。
- We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情。