- We have to fight to wrest power from our rulers. 我们必须斗争才能从统治者手中夺取政权。
- We have to fight the other firm for the contact. 我们不得不与一家公司争订这份合同。
- Why, we haven't begun to fight yet. 啊,我们根本还没开始交手呢。
- We have to fight in self-defense. 我们不得不自卫还击。
- For these reasons we have to fight battles of quick decision. 为了这些理由,我们必须速战速决。
- We had to fight the other firm for the order. 为得到这份订单我们要和另一家公司竞争。
- We had to fight our way through the enemy lines. 我们只好打着通过敌人的防线。
- We had to fight: there was no other alternative. 我们只有战斗,没有别的选择。
- We have sworn solemnly under the party flag that we will work for Communism all our lives. 我们在党旗下庄严的宣讲过誓辞,要为共产主义事业奋斗终生。
- Actually,we have been determined to fight it all along. 本来我们就是要反对腐败的。
- We have to fight a battle to bring every child to school. 我们必须为了让每个孩子都能上学而斗争。
- We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight earthquake. 为了同地震做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。
- We haven't enough shelves to keep all our books on. 我们的书架不够用,放不下这麽多书。
- We love peace but peace cannot be got by begging, we have to fight for it. 我们热爱和平, 但我们不应该乞求和平, 而应当去争取和平。
- We have nobody on hand to repair your car. 我们现在没有人能修你的车。
- We have to put on warm clothing in winter. 冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。
- The wind was so strong that we had to fight our way through it. 风力那样强劲,使得我们不得不在风中艰难地前进。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- When we had our backs to the wall during the war, everyone had to fight together. 战争中我们陷入绝境之时,大家只能合力奋战。
- In those days,food was scarce,and we had to fight with hunger. 在那些日子里,食品匮乏,我们不得不与饥饿作斗争。