- We furnished the living room. 我们把客厅布置好了。
- They furnished the living room with modern lunges 他们为起居室添置了现代化的丹麦躺椅和椅子。
- It's time we put up the Christmas decorations in the living room. 该是我们把圣诞饰物挂在居室的时候了。
- We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style. 我们房子配备家具是德国装饰风格。
- We furnished the room with new furniture. 我们在房间里布置了新家具。
- In the living room we sit in the armchairs. 在起居室我们坐在靠椅上。
- His books lay in a heap on the floor of the living room. 他的书叠成一堆放在客厅的地板上。
- We've painted the living room white. 我们把客厅刷成了白色。
- Don't crash about the living room while there are visitors in here. 起居室有客人时,不要在那里走动弄出很大响声。
- My wife wanted a new carpet in the living room, but as we are moving in six months it would only be money down the drain. 我妻子想起居室里换块新地毯,不过我们再过6个月就要搬走,那只是白白浪费钱财。
- We more than create a culture of a tasteful living room; we transform each type of sofa into a messenger of love which is to furnish the family with affection and happiness. 我们创造的不仅是品位客厅文化,我们更是把每一款梦洁沙发视为爱的使者,将爱、幸福倾注到每一个家庭之中。
- Mother tore up the carpeting in the living room and had a new rug put in. 母亲将客厅的地毯揭掉,铺上一块小的新地毯。
- Henry, it's about time you got cracking and re-decorated the living room. 亨利,现在该是你动手重新装饰起居室的时候了。
- The living room is tastefully furnished and decorated. 客厅里摆设得很有品位。
- The furniture in the living room really costs. 起居室里的这套家具真花了不少钱。
- By the same token,we furnish the cov infamy for our long-term and loyal customers. 此外,注册北京中海广场不得同时担任两个及以上建设工程施工项目负责人;
- The dining room is off the living room. 餐室通向起居室。
- After the meal we adjourned to the living room. 饭后我们移到起居室
- The children are playing card in the living room. 孩子们在客厅玩扑克牌。
- The living room communicates with the dining room. 起居室与饭厅相通。