- We foster three children . 我们收养了3个小孩。
- We foster three children. 我们收养了3个小孩。
- Her time is fully occupied with her three children. 她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
- She has brought forth three children. 她已经生了三个孩子。
- Mary's three children are all angels not like mine. 玛丽的三个孩子都像安琪儿一样可爱--跟我的孩子可不一样。
- We three children: Trisha, Monte and I, George Jr. 我们三个孩子:学家,蒙特和我,乔治小,也常唱的。
- Jill is the eldest of my three children. 吉尔是我三个孩子中年龄最大的。
- The three children are all in the pink. 三个孩子都很健康。
- Parceled out the land to their three children. 把这块地分给他们的三个孩子
- We foster and encourage employees to go all out to work for customers. 培养和激励员工全力以赴,为客户而努力工作。
- We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital. 这小姑娘的母亲住院时,我们领养了她。
- She took great pride in the success of her three children. 她对自己三个孩子的成就感到万分自豪。
- He rescued three children from the burning building. 他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。
- The three children saved about two hundred dollars between them. 三个孩子一起积蓄了大约二百元钱。
- She took a great pride in the success of her three children. 她对自己三个孩子的成就感到万分自豪。
- Innovation We foster a culture that embraces creativity and new ideas to achieve the future success. 创新革命我们培育一个具有创作及接受新观念的文化,达至日后成功的道路。
- She rescued three children from a fire or something. 她从一起火灾之类的事故中救出了三个孩子。
- We must watch out lest we foster the bureaucratic style of work and grow into an aristocratic stratum divorced from the people. 我们一定要警惕,不要滋长官僚主义作风,不要形成一个脱离人民的贵族阶层。
- She has three children to fend for. 她有三个孩子要抚养。
- She was killed in the war and left three children and one at the breast behind. 她在战争中遇难,留下三个孩子和一个仍在吃奶的婴儿。