- We face stern opposition. 我们遇到激烈的反对。
- The task that we face is glorious and arduous. 摆在我们面前的任务是光荣而艰巨的。
- I am acutely aware of the difficulties we face. 我十分清楚我们面临的困难。
- Digital Publishing: How should we face it clearly? 数字出版:我们如何清醒面对?
- The challenges we face are enormous. 我们面临的挑战是巨大的。
- Oh. We face the unknown in peacetime, too. 噢,我们在和平时期也要面对未知。
- No. We face the unknown in peacetime, too. 不,我们在和平时代也要面对未知。
- When We Face The Purchasing Order From The U.N. 当我们面临联合国采购大单。
- How should we face life setback? 我们该如何面对人生挫折?
- Face stern challenge of the lifetine circle market of later generationse affer CHINA into the WTO. 面对市场的激烈竟争,面对中国入世后世界市场的严峻挑战。
- But now we face the opposite situation. 现在我们要注意另外一个方面的问题。
- Today, we face new threats and instabilities. 今天,我们又面对着新的威胁与不稳定因素。
- Myra: Oh. we face the unknown in peacetime, too. 玛拉:噢,我们在和平时期也要面对未知。
- Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has warned that government employees failing to fulfill their duties in the changed context will face stern action. 普拉昌达警告说,在当前变革的背景下,不履行义务的政府雇员将受到严厉惩罚。
- "Will we face any problems on the way? “我们在这条道路上会面临问题吗?
- How can we face the deepest fears inside us? 我们怎样能面对内里最深的惧怕呢?
- We face at the start a phenomenological problem. 而我们则打一开始就面临着一个现象学的问题。
- We face pain, but do not want to see more pain! 我们直面伤痛,只是不想看到更多的伤痛发生!
- Everything will all end, what we face be departure. 一切都将结束,我们面对的就是离别。
- The second enemy we face is indecision. 我们面临的第二个敌人是优柔寡断。