- We could always go sightseeing. 我们可以去观光旅游。
- We could always call a taxi to go about the city. 我们总可以叫一辆出租汽车在这城市里来去的。
- we could always go to the cinema 我们还是可以去看电影
- Ramesses, please, talk to me. We could always talk here. 摩西:雷明斯,我求你,回答我!我们一向无话不说的!
- And besides, if they did, Israel could always go back in and wallop them again. 换句话说,如果他们还这么做,以色列也仍然可以回去再给他们来一次沉重的打击。
- If it comes to the push we could always borrow a bit more money from the bank. 如有急需, 我们总能从银行多借一点钱。
- Seventy years ago he was told he could always go to Alaska and pump water out of the mines. 年前了,听说如果要找工作,可以到阿拉斯加的矿坑里抽水。
- Every time the snow falls like a blizzard, we could always look at each other's redden noses. 每当大雪纷飞的时候,总可以看着彼此冷得通红的鼻子。
- Of course not. We might be able to stay with our relatives. Even if we couldn't, we could always stay in hostels. 凯西:当然不用。我们也许可以住在我们亲戚家里。即使不能,也可以都住在青年旅社里。
- As a result we could always find suitably qualified employees for our development department in Augsburg and our production facility in Mindelheim. 办事处的员工分别来自英国、法国、西班牙、美国、台湾、克罗地亚、丹麦、非洲及德国各联邦州。为了能够来摩莎集团工作,他们从世界各地聚集到巴伐利亚州。
- However you could always go with Stormrage Signet Ring + Band of Ruinous Delight and then go for Cluth of Demise instead of Hard Khorium band. 关于戒指,你依然可以使用伊利丹的怒风戒指+灾难之戒,或者用布胖的加速项链替换掉珠宝加工的硬化氪金戒指,弥补损失的加速属性。
- I always use a minicamera when I go sightseeing. 我出外旅游时总是使用一架微型照相机。
- If you like, we could go out this evening. 你要是愿意的话,咱们今天晚上出去。
- If it is fine tomorrow, we could go out. 如果明天天气好,我门能够出门。
- We could take the train or alternatively go by car. 我们可以坐火车去,也可以坐汽车去。
- Charles and Kate always go Dutch at the restaurant. 查尔斯和凯特在饭店时总是各自付帐。
- I'm always excited about going sightseeing. 去旅游观光我总是感到兴奋。
- If only it would stop raining we could go for a walk. 要是不下雨,我们就可以出去走走。
- Yes. We'll go sightseeing in those places after the project. 是的,项目结束后,我们还要到那些地方去观光。
- You could always use a dictionary. 你无论如何还可以使用词典嘛。