- We cannot tolerate such waste. 我们不能容忍这种浪费现象。
- We definitely can not tolerate such carelessness. 我们决不能容忍这样的粗心。
- We can not tolerate such a cruelty. 我们不能容忍这样的残酷行为。
- The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation. 身体经不住那么大剂量的放射线。
- Such waste of money should be deprecated at a time like this. 在这种时候应大力反对如此浪费金钱。
- Can China tolerate such a contradictory policy? 中方是否能够容忍这样相互矛盾的立场?
- I win not tolerate such nonsense. 我绝不允许这一派胡言。
- It makes me wild(= very angry)to see such waste. 看到这种浪费现象让我非常生气。
- We are pained to see such wastefulness. 我们看到这种浪费现象很痛心。
- The body can not tolerate such large amounts of radiation . 身体不能承受那么大剂量的放射线。
- WE CANNOT see what lies beyond the visible horizon of our universe simply because light emitted beyond that horizon has not had time to reach us. 所以我们不能看到宇宙里可见视野之外,仅仅是因为在超越视野之外的物体所发射的光线已经没有时间来送达给我们。
- It makes one's heart ache to see such waste. 这样浪费,真叫人看了心疼。
- We're pained to see such wastefulness. 我们看到这种浪费现象很痛心。
- While the whole China is building an orderly and harmonious society, how can we tolerate such unharmonious tone? 当整个中华大地在共建和谐社会时,我们怎能容忍这样的不和谐的音调呢?
- I won't tolerate such behaviour/your behaving in this way. 我不能容忍这种行为[你这样做].
- Such shiftless management, such waste, such confusion, I never saw. 这样无能的管理方法,这种浪费,这种混乱现象,我从来没有见过。
- The Declaration asserts that no State may permit or tolerate such acts. 宣言声称任何国家均不得允许或容忍这类行为。
- It should go without saying that the US would not tolerate such a slump. 毫无疑问,美国无法允忍这样的衰退。
- Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others. 不得撒谎、欺骗、行窃,也不得容忍他人有这种行为。
- Everybody's pained to see such wastefulness. 任何人看到这种浪费现象都会很痛心的。