- We beat the odds together. 我们共度难关.
- Ain't nothin' better We beat the odds together I'm glad we didn't listen Look at what we would be missin 没有比这些更美好的了我们一起向机遇挑战我该高兴我们没听进那些话那些我们也许错过了的话
- We practiced so hard that we beat the boy team. 我们训练得很刻苦,我们打败了男子队。
- It's mother , Mum,Mum,we beat the wolf away . 小羊:是妈妈,妈妈!妈妈!我们打走了狼。
- Only by working together can we beat the Sand Tiger. 只有大家一起努力,才能打败纸老虎。
- Alice: "We beat the drums today. 爱丽丝:"我们今天打鼓。
- And best of all, we beat the Spurs in SA AGAIN! 最高兴的是,我们又一次在圣安东尼奥赢了马刺!
- We beat the strongest team in the football match this time. 在这次足球赛中我们战胜了最强的那个队。
- They beat the odds,and now they're some of the biggest hitters in corporate America. 他们克服了困难,现在他们在美国大公司中举足轻重。
- The odds are that we won't get a baby-sitter. 很可能我们找不到照看孩子的人。
- Cuba beat the Unified Team in the preliminary round and we beat Cuba. 古巴队在预赛中战胜了联合队,而我们又战胜古巴队。
- They beat the odds, and now they're some of the biggest hitters in corporate America. 他们克服了困难,现在他们在美国大公司中举足轻重。
- The girls who were born to Romania parents already beat the odds by leaving this long. 这对罗马尼亚姐妹能够存活这么长的时间实属不易。
- The girls who were born to Romanian parents already beat the odds by living this long. 这对罗马尼亚女孩能够活到现在已经是一个相当罕见的例子。
- Our team is licking its chops because we beat the champions last night. 我队昨天晚上打败了冠军, 因而大家欣喜若狂。
- On Molokai residents are hoping that KP2 can beat the odds and stay wild but still hang out with them. 在摩洛卡伊,居民们希望KP2能克服困难在野外生存,但能一直经常回来看看。
- If the ground hasn't frozen yet, plant spring-flowering bulbs such as crocus, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths as soon as possible to beat the odds. 如果泥土还未冻结,抓紧时机种下番红花,水仙,郁金香和风信花的球茎。
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹马的赔率是五比一。
- If this were not bad enough, the neurosurgeon further shocked my family by telling them what life would be like for me if I beat the odds and survived. 然后他还雪上加霜地告诉我的家人,向他们描述如果我万幸活下来将面临怎样的生活我可能再也不会走路了,不会说话了,甚至不能理解一些极其简单的命令。
- Go it, we'll help you to beat the difficulty. 干吧,我们将帮助你克服困难。