- We battered the door down. 我们把那门砸掉了。
- The fireman finally battered the door down. 消防队员最后砸开了门。
- The police had to batter the door down. 警察不得不把门砸开。
- The firemen battered the door down and saved the children from the burning building. 救火员破门而入,从燃烧着的大楼里救出了孩子们。
- The police battered the door down and saved the children from the burning building . 警察破门而入,从正燃着火的建筑物中救出小孩。
- The police battered the door down and rescued the children from the burning house. 警察把门砸坏,于是从那着火的房子里救出了孩子们。
- Let' s batter the door down. 咱们把这门砸掉吧.
- Let's batter the door down. 咱们把这门砸掉吧.
- Let us batter the door down . 我们把门击破吧!
- Let us batter the door down. 我们把门击破吧!
- We told him to open up or we'd break the door down. 我们叫他开门,不然,就要把门砸开。
- The fireman smashed the door down to reach the children. 消防员破门而入冲向孩子们。
- The mob battered the door to pieces. 暴民用力打碎门。
- The robbers broke the door down. 强盗们把门砸开了。
- He likes to break the door down. 他差点儿要把门打掉。
- Open up or we'll break the door down! 开门!不然就砸门了!
- Shopkeeper himself would close the door down! 店东自己要关门了!
- The rioters battered the door topieces. 那些暴民把门捣碎。
- Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. 消防人员须破门而入,才能抢救困在屋里的人。
- Come out, or I'll bust the door down! 出来,不然我就砸门了!