- We are expecting a letter from her. 我们正期待着她的来信。
- We are expecting a fall in stock prices. 我们预料股市价格将要下跌。
- We are expecting a rise in food prices this month. 我们预计这个月的食物价格会上涨。
- We are expecting a bundle of joy next September. 明年九月我们的孩子就要出生了。
- We are expecting a 50% increaseof our out-put next year. 本厂预期明年有50%25的产量增加。
- We are expecting a child and will be getting married very shortly. 我们在等着小孩的出生,并且不久我们就会结婚。
- We are expecting a new spiritual movement in this city. 我们正期待在这城市里展开一股新的属灵运动。
- I do not make enough money--especially now that we are expecting a third child. 老三快出生了,我却赚这么少钱。
- We are expecting a judge to set bomb today for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. 我们正在期待法官对底特律市长的审判。
- The England captain said: "We outplayed Russia at home but we are expecting a really difficult game. 这位英格兰队长说:“我们在主场击败了俄罗斯但我们也料想那将是一场困难的比赛。
- We were expecting a visit from our relatives; She is looking to a promotion; he is waiting to be drafted. 我们正盼望着亲戚们来;她正盼望着晋升。
- We are expecting guests this weekend. 我们本周末要来客人。
- We are expecting to dig out some important facts. 我们希望能找出一些重要的事实。
- We are expecting him to give a talk on pollution. 我们盼望他做一个关于污染方面的报告。
- We await your decision.; We are expecting you to make a decision. 我们期待你作出决定。
- We are expecting to read his new work soon. 我们期待他的新书早日面世。
- We are expecting you in London on Tuesday. 我们星期二在伦敦等你来。
- We are expecting your reply to our inquiry. 我们期等着贵方对我方询盘做出答复。
- We are expecting company next week. 下星期我们要请客。
- We are expecting an affirmative answer. 我们盼望得到肯定的答复。