- That type of dress is on the way out. 那种式样的洋装就要过时了。
- He fumbled his way out of the bar. 他跌跌撞撞地走出酒吧。
- Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out. 弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。
- I hope someone hits on a way out of this difficulty soon. 我希望不久有人想出克服困难的办法。
- I think I'll take the easy way out and give money instead of time. 我想我找到了简便方法,给钱而不是花时间。
- They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall. 他们好不容易才从墙上的裂缝处爬了出来。
- He always tries to bluster his way out of difficult situations. 他总是自吹自擂以摆脱困境。
- He jostled his way out of the hall. 他从大会堂中挤出去。
- Having been surrounded by the enemy, we must fight our way out. 我们已被敌人包围,必须杀出一条血路。
- The planes were little silver winks way out to the west. 飞机在西边老远的地方,看上去只是些很小的银色光点。
- The traveller had to fight his way out through the tropical forest with an axe. 旅行者不得不用斧头在热带森林里砍出一条路来。
- The rocket punched its way out of the atmosphere. 火箭猛力冲出大气层。
- Many young men choose to take the way out. 许多年轻人选择了轻生这条路。
- He's used to charming his way out of the troubles. 他总能想出办法从烦恼中摆脱出来。
- They handshook their way out of the church. 他们手握着手走出了教堂。
- The gunmen smashed their way out of the building. 持枪歹徒冲出了大楼。
- The man stormed his way out of the room . 那个人怒气冲冲地闯出了房间。
- The problem is that there is no other way out. 关键是找不到其它办法啊。
- We must think of a way out of our difficulties. 我们得想个办法摆脱困难。
- Xiao Yang suggested a way out of the difficulty. 小杨提出了一个克服困难的办法。