- The clever journalists blew the lid off the Watergate scandal. 联盟的新闻工作者揭露了水门丑闻的真相。
- Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign. 全世界各地都有丑闻,举不胜举。水门事件迫使美国前总统尼克松辞职下台
- The Watergate scandal was released by journalists. 水门事件的丑闻很快被记者们揭发出来。
- They were the first to jump on the Watergate scandal. 他们是最早披露水门丑闻的。
- Watergate Scandal led to the resignation of President Nixon. 水门事件导致了尼克松总统的辞职。
- Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 (1913-1994). 艾森豪威尔时副总统和第37届美国总统;1974年水门事件发生后辞职(1913-1994)。
- Nixon resigned because of Watergate Scandal, the first president to do so in American history. 水门事件使尼克松成为美国历史上第一位辞职的总统。
- The Watergate scandal was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post. 水门丑闻是由《华盛顿邮报》两个好打探的记者揭露出来的。
- Nixon resigned because of Watergate Scandal ,the first president to do so in American history. 水门事件使尼克松成为美国历史上第一位辞职的总统。
- When the Watergate scandal erupted in 1973, Colson came under suspicion for his involvement. 水门案丑闻于一九七三年爆发时,寇尔森疑似涉案,
- He was sworn in as President on August 9, 1974 following Nixon's departure in the wake of the Watergate scandal. 在尼克松因“水门事件”被迫辞职后,福特于1974年8月9日宣誓继任总统。
- She first gained true fame during the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s,when the Post's reporting helped bring down President Nixon. 她在20世纪70年代初期的“水门事件”丑闻报道中初露锋芒,当时在《邮报》报道的协助下,尼克松总统被迫下台。
- They become the official dog walkers for Nixon?s dog Checkers, and become his secret advisors during the Watergate scandal. 总统为了了解她们是否知道内幕,就聘请她们当白宫遛狗人,结果却阴差阳错的卷起一连串的滑稽事件!
- President Richard Nixon has taken full responsibility for the Watergate scandal but has denied any personal involvement. 尼克松总统发表讲话对水门是件负权责。(后来阿甘同志在自传电影中承认,是自己无意中把自己喜欢的总统赶下了台。。。)
- Particularly if you have got an incumbent president and we no longer stick to the public financing, which was a result of the Watergate scandal. 特别是如果你有一个现任总统,同时我们也不再坚持使用公共资金作为竞选经费,那样的话就会发生水门事件那样的丑闻。”
- At home he is about as popular as Richard Nixon at the depths of the Watergate scandal (see chart 1);abroad he is seen as a war-mongering buffoon. 在国内,他的民意支持率比深陷水门事件中的尼克松高不了多少(见图1),在国外,他也就是个只知道宣扬战争论的小丑。
- As a result of the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigned the presidency in the face of likely impeachment by the United States House of representatives and conviction by the senate. 水门事件的发生使尼克松可能要面对众议院的弹劾和参议院的指控,被迫之下他辞去了总统的职位。
- She later remained steadfast in the face of government pressure not to pursue the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. 即使面临政府施加的压力,要她不要再追究后来迫使尼克松总统下台的水门事件,她始终立场坚定。
- Nixon compromised regularly with a Democratic Congress, even as he secretly laid the foundation of an imperial presidency, his unfinished project left in ruins after the Watergate scandal. 尼克松经常和民主党国会妥协,他甚至还私下成立一个帝王式总统制的机构,不过在水门事件之后,这项工程还没等到完成,就已终结在废墟之中。
- The author expounds their points and proves further that this relationship has become the "sheepdog" role after Watergate scandal, especially after "9.11" and the second America-Iraq War in 2003. 本文对此展开论述,进而提出,“水门事件”后,特别是“9·11”事件和第二次美伊战争后,美国传媒特别是主流新闻传媒与政府的关系已经转变为第四个角色,即“牧羊狗”角色。