- Water drives the mill. 水于。
- Water drives the turbines which produce electricity. 水力带动涡轮发电。
- A mill-race is the fast stream of water driving the wheel of a water-mill. 磨坊水流就是驱动水车的急流。
- Wind drives the mill. 风推动磨盘。
- Day and night the rushing waters drive the giant turbogenerators. 奔流的河水日夜驱动着这些巨型涡轮发电机。
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我们经常劳动的工厂是造纸厂。
- My new car was put through the mill. 我的新车经过了检验。
- The mill cannot grind with water that is past. 已逝之水难推磨。
- He drives the team relentlessly. 他无情地鞭策全队苦练。
- Next, the wheat is ground into flour at the mill. 然后,麦子在磨坊里被磨成面粉。
- He is willing to go through the mill. 他愿接受磨链。
- Too much water drowned the mill. 太多反而有害。
- The logs are drifted downstream to the mill. 那些原木沿河顺水漂到工厂。
- You should drive the point home. 你应该把这一点讲透彻。
- The mill cannot grind with the water that is past. 流过去的水推不了磨。
- He goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water every time he drives the car. 他每次开汽车都总是不厌其烦地把油和水整个检查一遍。
- The water provides the motive power that turns the mill wheel. 水提供了转动轮子的动力。
- He drove the nail in for fear it would hurt anyone. 由于担心这个钉子伤人,他把它钉了进去。
- He drove the car as to the manner born. 他驾驶这辆车,好像生来就会开车似的。
- He drove the car at full speed through the town. 他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。