- Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 华沙犹太区起义
- The erasing of the Warsaw ghetto was a massacre, not a battle. 发生在华沙的是大屠杀,不是战斗!
- The Jews of the Warsaw ghetto could not prevent their own murder. 华沙隔离区内的犹太人无法阻止对他们的屠杀。
- He refused to express open hatred for the Nazis, and for years would not talk about the ghetto uprising. 他拒绝公开表达对纳粹的仇恨,且长达数年不愿谈及犹太区起义。
- On his final escapade he ran away from a unit on its way to the Russian front and went to ground in the Warsaw Ghetto. 最后一次逃跑,他是从一个部队单位往俄国前线跑,最后逃到了华沙的犹太人区。
- The film climaxes with the Ghetto Uprising of 1943, when the Jews, with the help of the Polish Underground, take up arms against the Germans. 酒店老板卖国求荣,其他人被送进集中营和犹太区。不堪忍受德寇奴役和屠杀的犹太人在华沙举行了武装暴动。
- Waffen-SS units played a major role in the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, which was little more than a exercise in mass murder. 武装党卫队在1943年华沙犹太人的屠杀中扮演了主要角色,其实那和大屠杀联系没有什么区别。
- A boy working in the Warsaw ghetto cemetery drags a corpse to the edge of the mass grave where it will be buried. September 1941. Credit: USHMM, Guenther Schwarberg. 乱葬岗系冇人理搚乱埋葬啲尸体嘅一笪地方。有时会指系埋葬多过一个人嘅坟墓或坑。
- In time, public exhibitions on the Holocaust and the Warsaw ghetto would take their place alongside the traditional commemorations, such as the "Day of National Mourning". 终于,举办传统纪念活动(比如“全国哀悼日”)时,出现了关于大屠杀和华沙犹太人居住区的公开展览。
- ” He escaped from the Warsaw ghetto through a hole in the wall; 他通过墙壁上的一个洞从华沙的犹太人区逃走;
- He was killed in the Warsaw uprising. 他在华沙起义中牺牲了。
- Draws moving scenes of ghetto life. 生动地描写了贫民窟生活的片断
- SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto. 党卫队将军杰尔根.;斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。
- Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising? 你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。
- I'd like a first class ticket to Warsaw for this Sunday. 我要一张本星期日飞往华沙的头等机票。
- The king put down the uprising and killed all the slaves involved. 国王镇压了那次起义,杀死了所有参加起义的奴隶。
- He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him. 他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。
- The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials. 农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。
- A section of a medieval city inhabited by Jews; a ghetto. 犹太人居住区犹太人在中世纪居住的城市的一部分; (城市中的)犹太人区