- She is publishing a history of the war period. 她有一部战争时期的历史著作正在印行。
- We read about the Civil War period. 我们在读有关内战时期的书。
- The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period. 柏林墙的倒塌开始了后冷战时期。
- During the cold war period he rivaled the United States. 冷战时期,苏联成为与美国对立的另一个超级大国。
- For a time in the post-cold war period,regional conflicts were still frequent,even showing a trend of escalation. 冷战后的一个时期,地区冲突频仍,并呈上升趋势。
- For a time in the post-cold war period, regional conflicts were still frequent, even showing a trend of escalation. 冷战后的一个时期,地区冲突频仍,并呈上升趋势。
- As early as in a world war period, Uygur accepted on once has come Abbe Ding Shibao the field. 早在一次世界大战期间,维纳就曾来过阿贝丁试炮场。
- American Civil War period, one day, President Lincoln, accompanied by Captain Holmes in the front-line inspection. 美国南北战争时期,有一天,林肯总统在霍尔姆斯上尉陪同下视察前线。
- During the Cold War period, the neighboring countries tried not to offend the Russians because they could be redoubtable foes. 在冷战时期,邻国力图避免去触怒俄国人,因为俄国人可能成为很厉害的敌人。
- The story took place in the war period in Shanghai. Using old time poems as background, the story reveals the bright and dark sides of humanity. 本剧在一个动荡的大时代开始,以史诗为背景,刻画人性光明,黑暗一面。
- Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the Warring Period. 摘要韩非,战国末期法家思想的集大成者。
- The Cuban missile crisis was a key event in Cold War period and mankind for the first time was faced with the threat of nuclear war. 古巴导弹危机是冷战时期的一个重要事件 ,人类第一次直接面临着核战争的威胁。
- European security model is gaining influence in the post-Cold War period, with its emphasis on effective multilateralism in safeguarding security. 摘要欧盟安全模式在冷战后日益突出,其特点在于通过有效的多边主义来维护安全。
- Mr.Fingar, the intelligence analyst, said in his speech that the post-Cold War period of overwhelming U.S. dominance was 'anomalous. 情报分析师芬格在上述演讲中说,美国在冷战后的一家独大局面是一种“反常现象”。
- Reflecting this scholarly trend, in the last few years many scholars have delved into the cultural history of the Anti-Japanese War period. 近年来多位学者投入抗战时期文化史的研究工作,即为此研究风潮下的产物。
- In thh sense, the strategies and measures adopted by the Nationalist Government to suppres;smuggling during the war period certainly possessed certain progressive significance. 因此,抗战时期国民政府所采取的缉私策略和措施具有一定的积极意义。
- The radical reason in appraising the two books in the historical facts was the authors" attitude about the historical facts narrated by personates at War period. 正是司马迁、刘向对待战国纵横家所述史事的不同态度和处理的不同方法成为决定二书在记载战国史实方面优劣的根本性原因。
- On January 12,1947, during the Civil War period, facing enemy's combining threats with inducements, communist partymember Liu Hulan always stood firm and unyielding. 1947年1月12日,在解放战争期间,共产党员刘胡兰面对敌人的威逼利诱始终坚贞不屈。
- In post war period SOKA GAKKAI had integrated itself closely at one time with politics,which helped in a way its rapid growth and caused at the same time criticism. 第二次世界大战之后,学会曾一度和政治结合甚密,这一方面也招致了世人的诽议。
- During the Warring Period , with the change of society, Shi jian has lost the social milieu that it based on. 尽管到了战国时期,随着社会的变革和礼仪道德的沦丧,史监因丧失其赖以存在的社会环境而走向衰落,但我们在后世社会总是能够发现其遗留。