- Wangg Zhaojun 王昭君
- Wang Zhaojun married a Hun tribal chief. 王昭君就嫁给了匈奴的一位首领。
- Wang Zhaojun away from their home to stay in the Huns. 王昭君远离自己的家乡,长期定居在匈奴。
- Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb. 大青山脚下的昭君墓被称为青冢。
- The flagman of China dragon group is group president Jiang Zhaojun. 华龙集团的旗手就是集团总裁蒋照军。
- Wang Zhaojun was an imperial Han concubine more than 2, 000 years ago. 王昭君是2000多年前汉王朝的一个妃子。
- Zhaojun Village lies in Xingshan County, northwest of Hubei Province. 昭君村位于鄂西北地区兴山县境内。
- Zhaojun was one of the four beautiest in ancient China.She was born in Xiangxi greek. 昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁。
- Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty and Wang Zhaojun, escorted by officials from the Chang'an. 王昭君在汉朝和匈奴官员的护送下,离开了长安。
- The best-known four beauties of ancient China are Xi Shi, Diao Chan, Wang Zhaojun, and Yang Yuhuan. 中国古代四大美女:西施、貂蝉、王昭君、杨玉环。
- Zhao Great Temple, Ya Shu, Zhaojun tomb, Wu Tasi, Castle Peak, 50 Forest Park plans, wishful River Plaza. 大召寺,衙署,昭君坟,五塔寺,大青山,五十图森林公园,如意河广场。
- La Deke Hu Zhaojun with each other cope with the lack of understanding led to the attack hampered the team. 胡兆军与拉德科相互的配合不够默契导致了球队的进攻受阻。
- She describes herself as an incomparable beauty, outshining Xi Shi and Wang Zhaojun, and rivaling Yang Guifei. 她觉得自己比西施还美,比王昭君还美,还比得上杨贵妃呢。
- Zhaojun Village was named after the Chinese national heroine---Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties in ancient China. 昭君村的名字来源于中国民族女英雄---王昭君,中国古代四大美女之一。
- Emperor Hanyuan instructed the Minister of optional days of work, and Wang Zhaojun in Changan Huhanye Chanyu get married. 汉元帝吩咐办事的大臣择个日子,让呼韩邪单于和王昭君在长安成亲。
- Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan. 管事的大臣正在为没人应征焦急,听到王昭君肯去,就把她的名字上报汉元帝。
- Zhaojun Tomb is the tomb of Wang Zhaojun, a Han Dynasty palace lady-in-waiting who became the consort of a Xiongnu ruler. 昭君墓是汉代宫女王昭君的陵墓。王昭君后来成为匈奴单于的妃子。
- Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain. 《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。
- During decades when Zhaojun was in Xiongnu, long-lasting battles between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu ended, stabilizing the border area and enhancing national unity. 昭君在匈奴几十年,结束了长期以来汉同匈奴之间的战争局面,起到安定边疆,增进民族团结的进步作用。
- With its beauty, richness and vast feelings, Xiangxi River feeds this square hometown--- the hometown of the moist Zhaojun, and revitalizes mountain children of Xingshan County. 挑礼仪小姐的慕名而来,兴山成为远近闻名的“美人县”。