- Wang Guowei Conundrum 王国维难题
- There is certain similarity with Wang Guowei aesthetic thought. 这与他的同学好友王国维的美学思想有一定的相似性。
- Commentaries on Lyrical Work, Wang Guowei, Wen Guo Bookshop, Tainan, 1986. 人間詞話,王國維,文國書局,台南,1986
- In this picture-oriented mass media age today, the significance of "the beauty of dialectic" is no less than "the beauty of ancient gracefulness" by Wang Guowei 100 years before. 在以图象艺术为主导方式的传媒时代,“思辨之美”的意蕴可能不亚于王国维当年提出的“古雅美”。
- That is, the multi-category inaesthetic contemplation and formal view.The second part introduces Wang Guowei's literary criticism of fictions and ci. 第二章重点介绍王国维小说、词曲方面的悲剧审美批评和境界理论。
- Abstract: The theory of “Jingjie”, as the core of Wang Guowei's aesthetic concepts, have been drawn scholars' eyes in academic study. 内容摘要:[摘要]“境界说”是王国维美学理论的核心概念,自从提出以来倍受理论界关注,被给予了各种解读。
- The early 20th century, methods of detection of forgeries the biggest breakthrough is that Wang Guowei founded the famous "double Evidence Act. 20世纪初辨伪方法的最大突破,就是王国维创立了著名的“二重证据法”。
- By investigating the academic practice of Liang QiChao and Wang GuoWei, we can see that the influences of the ideas of the western new history on the Chinese artistic archeology. 从梁启超、王国维学术活动的考察中,我们可以看出西方新史学思想对中国美术考古学学科品质的塑造及其影响。
- Part three focuses on the development of Wang Guowei's drama study and the formation of its authoritativeness under the cultural circumstances in the capital. 第二节即就此展开论述,并重点阐发王国维早期学术思想中的“世界学术”观。
- Wang Guowei's aesthetics is the meeting point of recent modern times and the contemporary, succession and summing-up of traditional literature critique, and the herald of Chinese new literature. 王国维美学是中国近代美学和现代美学的交汇点,是中国传统文论思想的继承和总结,也是中国新文艺的先声。
- This paper suggests that it was Wang Guowei who encountered Herder at first through his reading of Japanese philosophical works.Yet by that time he was not quite aware of his aesthetic thoughts. 通过梳理中国近代美学学者对赫尔德的认识来看现代中西文化互相激荡的过程中德国哲学特别是美学思想如何进入中国美学话语圈。
- Abstract: The theory of “Jingjie”, as the core of Wang Guowei's aesthetic concepts, have been drawn scholars' eyes in academic study.As follow, there are various interpretations to this theory. “境界说”是王国维美学理论的核心概念,自从提出以来倍受理论界注意,被给予了各种解读。
- Abstract: The theory of “Jingjie”, as the core of Wang Guowei's aesthetic concepts, have been drawn scholars eyes in academic study.As follow, there are various interpretations to this theory. “境界说”是王国维美学理论的艺术理论毕业小论文核心概念,自从提出以来倍受理论界关注,被给予了各种解读。
- Abstract: theory of “Jingjie”, as the core of Wang Guowei's aesthetic concepts, have been drawn scholars' eyes in academic study.As follow, there are various interpretations to this theory. “境界说”是王国维美学的核心概念,自从提出以来倍受理论界关注,被给予了各种解读。
- The "double-evidence methodology" of Wang Guowei, in this case, is applied not only to documents and underground excavations, it can also be applied to include the interrelations between dug-ups. 王国维先生当年所提出的二重证据法,不但应用于文献与地下材料的对比,也可以拓充在地下材料与地下材料之间的互较。
- Wang Guowei's Biased Comment on Song Ci 王国维两宋词论的偏颇
- Wang Guowei's Chant of Tides and His Life Suffering 王国维咏潮词与人生忧患
- A New Probe to Cause of Wang Guowei's Suicide 王国维自沉原因新探
- On Wang Guowei's Disinterested Aesthetic Views 论王国维的超功利美学观
- Some Remarks on Wang Guowei's"Desire fo Power" 关于王国维“势力之欲”的几个问题