- The World Organization for Human Rights USA filed the lawsuit Wednesday in a U.S. court in the state of California on behalf of the jailed Chinese dissident Wang Xiaoning and his wife Yu Ling. 美国世界人权机构星期叁代表被监禁的中国异议人士王小宁和他的妻子余陵在美国加州的一家法院提交了诉状。
- Wang Dan has opened insider: Renzhijiang resignation I know beforehand! 王石揭开内幕:任志强辞职我事前知道!
- I am permitted to have Miss Wang dan in Beijing Library as my reference. 我还被允许让北京图书馆王丹女士作为我的推荐人。
- If it is necessary to a successful businessman and a mountaineer together, we will first think of Wang Dan's name. 如果要把一个成功的商人和一个登山家联系在一起,我们会首先想到王石的名字。
- China warned last month that it would not be happy if a Chinese dissident won this year's prize, as suggested by two prominent Norwegians. 上月中国表示警告说不愿见到由两位活跃的挪威人提名的中国异见人士赢得今年的该奖项。
- If Wang Dan was a truly free the knight, Sun Hongbin is a shame load containing the ninjas. 如果说王石是一位收放自如的侠客,孙宏斌就是一位含辱负重的忍者。
- A group of 29 well-known Chinese dissident writers, lawyers, political activists and other intellectuals decried China's approach to the unrest. 一群29人的资深的对中国有不同看法的作家,政客,律师,其他知识分子认为中国处于不安定中,
- Wang Dan's light brown hair, he reminds me of a beautiful person, that feeling of deja vu. 他那头棕色的漂亮头发让我想起了一个人,那种感觉似曾相识。
- Wang Dan said that on their personal, and he CRC between integration and separation is Huayuan appreciate. 王石说,就其个人而言,他对华润与华远之间的结合与分离是很欣赏的。
- The son of a Chinese dissident says his father has disappeared, just days before he was to attend a U.S. consulate reception to mark Barack Obama's inauguration. 中国持不同意见的活动人士姚立法的儿子说,他的父亲在要参加美国驻武汉领事馆举办庆祝欧巴马就职招待会的几天之前失踪了。
- The wife of a prominent Chinese dissident says a court sentenced her husband today to three years in prison on a conviction of possessing state secrets. 一位中国著名异议者的妻子说他的丈夫今日在法庭审判中因盗取国家机密被定罪入狱三年。
- Wang Dan : I think this is it yet, because in fact, as real estate is 93 years in 92 years time, it is known to the industry as a profiteering. 王石:我想这是传说吧,因为实际上作为房地产确实在92年93年的时候,它确实是作为一个暴利行业来着称的。
- Brad Adams, Asia director for Human Rights Watch (HRW), which released the letter, said Mr Liu's detention was the most significant Chinese dissident case in a decade. 他们在信中说道,中国经常表达对人权尊重的承诺,国际社会对此也相当认真。在此呼吁中国中央领导承诺没有任何人因为以和平方式表达意见而遭到逮捕。
- I used to think Guangzhou is a very strange or very Xuwen, and now, I know, dear, in the sea apart, Wang Dan, and all have become so cordial. 以前觉得广州抑或徐闻甚是很陌生,而现在,我知道,亲爱的就在海的那头,一切都变得那么的亲切。。。
- Life, landscape, there are entirely different boundaries. The distance between you and me, is an unbridgeable gap, I stood on this side, you are far from the Wang Dan's light. 人生的风景,有着泾渭分明界限。你我之间的距离,是一道不可逾越的鸿沟,我站立在这头,你在远远的那头。
- First rotating outgoing President Wang Dan, Wantong Board Chairman Pinglun 35 members of the unit has been adopted unanimously as a new year's rotating chairmanship. 首任轮值主席王石卸任,万通董事局主席冯仑获与会35名成员单位一致通过,成为新年度的轮值主席。
- Wang Dan said he was very concerned about the progress of work, as borne Guan has spent 20 years after the new strategic goals : continuing to do "Other". 王石说他自己很关心这项工作的进展情况,因为这事关万科已经发展20周年之后的新战略目标:做持续的“领跑者”。
- Jailed Chinese dissident Hu Jia won the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize on Thursday for his efforts to call attention to China's human rights challenges in an era of rapid economic development. 欧洲议会周四向中国入狱的异见人士胡佳授予萨哈罗夫奖(SakharovPrize),以表彰他在呼吁外界关注中国经济迅速增长时在人权问题方面所做的努力。
- Wang Dan Qu Pingshang small village, the village of Great Pingshang Wang Dan, are the Neolithic "shi ling cultural sites under the" and "cultural depression Anguo Temple Ruins. 横丹屈家村小坪上、横丹村大坪上,均有新石器时代“石岭下文化遗址”和“寺洼文化安国遗址”。
- Wang Dan tells me her brother's grief is so strong he couldn't bring himself to visit the gravesite on a mountainside near Dujiangyan on tomb-sweeping day, or Qing Ming, when families honor the dead. 现在他认为烧香拜佛,烧纸钱等等传统都没有用。因为我父母都是非常好的人。他们对朋友和子女很好。我哥哥说:“如果真有上帝,如果真有佛,这么好的人就不应该死。