- I'm not rich like Wall Streeters. 我不像华尔街上的那些阔佬那样有钱。
- The fear that the Black Monday might return soon alarmed these Wall Streeters. "对""黑色星期一""会卷土重来的担忧搞得这些华尔街金融家们惊慌失措。"
- And Wall Streeters have every incentive to keep playing that kind of game. 华尔街这伙人从来不缺玩弄这种把戏的动力。
- Were that true, some Wall Streeters reckon, it would breach all sorts of informal investment-banking codes. 华尔街的一些金融家认为,如果情况属实,那么这就违反了所有无明文规定的投行准则。
- America is aghast at how much Wall Streeters were paid to destroy the financial system. 华尔街人士拿着令美国民众瞠目结舌的高薪,却毁掉了金融体系。
- The article focuses on Wall Streeters, but I have heard many of the same sentiments from the non-Wall Street rich. 华尔街人士是这篇文章的重点,但我已经从华尔街以外的富人那里听到了很多同样的抱怨。
- These conversations give some macabre cheer to another emerging group of Wall Streeters. 这样的谈话让华尔街上一个新兴群体感到一些绝望的快乐。
- Even Wall Streeters who supported Barack Obama now are taken aback by his attacks on the Street and the rich. 目睹奥巴马针对华尔街和富人采取的行动,即便是那些原先支持奥巴马的华尔街人士现在也都惊呆了。
- Wall Streeters say they worked hard for their money, sometimes answering their phones at 2 a.m.!! 华尔街人士说,他们努力工作赢得财富,有时要在凌晨2点钟接电话。
- So what might a coroner's examination find in an autopsy of a Wall Streeter who committed suicide? 那么验尸报告里可能从这些自杀的华尔街人的尸体里找出些什么呢?
- If information is freely available, does that mean the onus is no longer on Wall Streeters to tell the rest of us what's going on? 如果信息是免费获得的,这是否意味着华尔街再也没有义务告诉我们其余人接下来会发生什么。
- The Wall Streeters can apparently walk away from both the flaming wreckage of their storied firms and the smoking remains of the national economy. 很明显,华尔街的大佬们依然可以从那些历史悠久的公司燃烧的残骸中,从国民经济冒烟的废墟中全身而退。
- And sophisticated Wall Streeters surely know that when they make campaign contributions, they aren't paying for specific policies as much as access. 老练的华尔街人当然知道,自己掏腰包助选的时候,并不只是为了花钱买具体政策,也是为买个门路。
- Wall Streeters who worked through those years remember playing the markets then as something similar to enduring water torture. 那些年在华尔街工作的人都会记得,石油市场交易就像在经受洪水拷打一样。
- One factor mitigating the financial industry’s bonus intentions is the fact that there could be far fewer employed Wall Streeters by the time year-end payouts are made. 张忠谋指出,第四季起,随著世界经济的变化,公司将步入相当艰困时期,已经二十一岁的台积电,将会安全度过艰困期,成为更强、更好、更卓越的公司;
- But the tenure of the current Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, proves, if nothing else, that having a Wall Streeter in the Treasury is no guarantee of success. 不过现任财政部长汉克.;保尔森的任期至少证明了有个华尔街小子在国库里并不是成功的保证。
- In a system where huge profits bring huge rewards and huge losses bring, well, smaller rewards, can you blame Wall Streeters for taking big risks in hopes of getting the big payout? 在一个巨额利润带来大笔报酬,而巨额亏损只是使报酬略微缩水的体制,你能怪华尔街甘冒大风险换钜款吗?
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。