- Since the last bus has left, we might as well walk back to the hotel. 最后一趟汽车已经走了,我们不如走回旅馆吧。
- He makes a return and go back to the hotel. 他掉转车头,驶回饭店。
- It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. 过了好长一段时间,他才慢慢地回到他的美洲虎车里。
- She walked back to the hotel, sent a wire to Julia and another to Patricia. 她回到旅馆,给朱丽娅和帕特丽夏分别打了电报。
- Joan and I walked back to the college. 我和琼安步行回到学校。
- He made a return and went back to the hotel. 他掉转车头,驶回饭店。
- It was dark when we made our way back to the hotel. 我们回到公寓时,天已经黑了。
- It's a long walk back to the airfield. 这里离机场很远.
- The girl will lead you back to the hotel. 这个女孩将带你回旅馆。
- They took the scenic route back to the hotel. 他们选了一条景色优美的路线回旅馆。
- They went back to the hotel without speaking. 他们什么也没说便回到了旅馆。
- He insisted on going back to the hotel. 他什么也不做,只是睡觉。
- And when will we get back to the hotel? 我们什么时候回旅馆?
- Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi. 凯和瑞拉回到出租车那儿。
- Yeah. Anyway, I walked back to the subway station. 是呀。反正呢,我就走回去地铁站。
- When you get off the bus, walk back to the corner and turn left. 你下了公共汽车,回头走到街道拐弯的地方再向左拐。
- Then she kissed my cheek and walked back to the house. 然后,她吻了吻我的脸颊,就转身走出谷仓,回屋去了。
- She thought of the long walk back to the house and it seemed interminable. 她想起还得走那么长一段路才能到家,简直是走不完的路啊!
- They went back to the hotel to freshen themselves up. 他们回到旅馆去梳洗打扮一番。
- Moisture beaded on the bottles as I walked back to the trees. 等我回头走到树下,瓶子外面结满水珠。